900     History, general
901             History of civilization
902             Compends, outlines. Chronologies. Charts
903             Dictionaries, encyclopedias
904             Essays
905             Periodicals
906             Societies and transactions
907     --
908             Polygraphy, extracts, collected works
909             Universal and general modern history

910     Geography and travels
911     Historical geography. Historical atlases
912     Maps. Atlases
913     General archaeology and antiquities
914     --
915     --
916     --
917     --
918     --
919     --

910-919: Differs from DDC, which uses the geographical table for 914-919.
913 does correspond to the table.

92      Biography [works]
920     Biography
921     Biographical dictionaries
922     --
923     --
924     --
925     --
926     --
927     --
928     --
929     Genealogy

92: Use of 92 was discouraged by 1920, with biographies going instead in the
call number for the subject the person was associated with.  In 92, the first
line is Cutter for the person written about, and the second line is an
initial or Cutter number for the writer.  DDC used geographical divisions
for the main place the person lived.

930     Ancient History
931     General Church History
932             Monastic orders
933             Persecutions
934             Churches and sects
935                     Oriental churches
936                     Catholic church
937                     Anglican and American Prot. Episcopal churches
938                     Protestant sects
939     --

931-939: From DDC 280-289.  Used in DDC for Ancient History.

940     Europe
941             Scotland. Ireland
942             England
943             Germany. Austria. Czechoslovakia. Poland
944             France
945             Italy
946             Spain. Portugal
947             Russia
948             Scandinavia
949             Other countries

940-949: Decimal divisions for historical periods and parts of the country or
region.  For example, 942 England has 942.01-942.09 for historical periods
and 942.1-942.99 for parts of England.  Cutter numbers are used on first line
for cities or other localities.

940-949:  Some further subdivisions for countries in Europe:
 941-941.4  Scotland          941.5-941.9  Ireland
 943-943.5  Germany
 943.6  Austria, 943.7  Czechoslovakia, 943.8  Poland, 943.9  Hungary
 946-946.8  Spain             946.9  Portugal
 948:  948.1  Norway, 948.5  Sweden, 948.9  Denmark
 949:  949.2  Netherlands, 949.3  Belgium, 949.4  Switzerland, 
       949.5  Greece, 949.6  Turkey in Europe and  Bulgaria, 
       949.7  Serbia and Yugoslavia, 949.8  Romania, 949.9  Turkey

940.911: Special 3-line call numbers for World War I units.

943: Special decimal subdivision 943.015 is Church history of the Protestant
movement (classified as a topic in German history).  943.015 over LA to LZ is
for Martin Luther, with a special scheme: the second line is L + alphabetic
form table (6) + special numbers putting authors roughly in alphabetical

950     Asia
951             China
952             Japan
953             Arabia
954             India
955             Persia. Iran
956             Eastern Mediterranean. Turkey
957             Siberia
958             Afghanistan
959             Southeast Asia

951 and 899.6 are both used for China, and 952 and 895.6 are both used for
Japan.  What basis if any for the distinction is not stated in the tables.

960     Africa
961             Ancient Egypt to 638
962             Egypt since 638. Sudan
963             Ethiopia
964             Morocco
965             Algeria
966             West Africa. Sahara
967             South Central Africa
968             South Africa
969             Madagascar. Indian Ocean

970     North America. The Americas
971             Canada
972             Mexico. Central America
973             United States of America
974                     Regions. Alabama-Arizona
975                     California-Indiana
976                     Iowa-Minnesota
977                     Louisiana-New Mexico
978                     New York-South Dakota
979                     Tennessee-Wyoming

972: There is an odd decimal subdivision 972.0 (zero) for pre-Columbian

973: Decimal expansions .1-.9 are for historical periods.  Geographical
divisions are in 974-979.

974-979: DDC uses a geographical order instead of the alphabetical order
here.  In the States' call numbers, subdivisions for books about counties or
cities are created by using Cutter numbers on the first line for the name of
the county or city, like 978N48 for City of New York; the second line then
has the usual Cutter number for author.

Regions:                         974.2   South
 974     New England             974.3   West
 974.1   Mid-Atlantic            974.4   Pacific Coast

 974.5   Alabama         976.4   Maine           978.2   North Dakota
 974.6   Alaska          976.5   Maryland        978.3   Ohio
 974.7   Arizona         976.6   Massachusetts   978.4   Oregon
 974.8   Arkansas        976.7   Michigan        978.5   Pennsylvania
 974.9   --              976.8   Minnesota       978.6   Rhode Island
 975     California      976.9   --              978.7   South Carolina
 975.1   Colorado        977     Mississippi     978.8   South Dakota
 975.2   Connecticut     977.1   Missouri        978.9   --
 975.3   Delaware        977.2   Montana         979     Tennessee
 975.4   D C             977.3   Nebraska        979.1   Texas
 975.5   Florida         977.4   Nevada          979.2   Utah
 975.6   Georgia         977.5   New Hampshire   979.3   Vermont
 975.7   Idaho           977.6   New Jersey      979.4   Virginia
 975.8   Illinois        977.7   New Mexico      979.5   Washington
 975.9   Indiana         977.8   --              979.6   West Virginia
 976     Iowa            977.9   --              979.7   Wisconsin
 976.1   Kansas          978     New York        979.8   Wyoming
 976.2   Kentucky        978.1   North Carolina  979.9   --
 976.3   Louisiana                               (996.9  Hawaii)

980     South America
981             Brazil
982             Argentina
983             Chile
984             Bolivia
985             Peru
986             Colombia. Panama. Ecuador
987             Venezuela
988             The Guianas
989             Paraguay. Uruguay

990     Oceania
991             Malaya
992             Indonesia
993             Australasia
994             Australia
995             New Guinea
996             Polynesia
997             Various Pacific islands
998     Arctic region
999     Antarctic region