100     Philosophy, general
101             Utility
102             Compends, outlines
103             Dictionaries, encyclopedias
104             Essays
105             Periodicals
106             Societies and transactions
107             Study and teaching
108             Polygraphy, extracts
109             History of Philosophy

110     Metaphysics
111             Ontology
112             Methodology
113             Cosmology
114                     Space
115                     Time
116                     Motion
117                     Matter
118                     Force
119                     Quantity. Number

120             Other metaphysical topics
121             Epistemology
122             Causation
123             Freedom and necessity
124             Teleology
125             Infinite and finite
126             The self
127     --
128             The soul
129             Origin of the individual soul

130     Mind and body
131             Mental physiology and hygiene
132             Mental derangements
133             Delusions. Witchcraft. Magic
134             Mesmerism. Clairvoyance
135             Sleep. Dreams. Somnambulism
136             Mental characteristics
137             Temperaments
138             Physiognomy
139             Phrenology. Mental photography

130-139: Abolished for further cataloging about 1920, but books in it were
not reclassed.  See 150-159.  (This section was redone in later editions of
DDC also.)  Note, there are some books on phrenology in 139, but 
unfortunately none on "mental photography".

140     Philosophical systems
141             Idealism. Transcendentalism
142             Critical philosophy
143             Institutionalism
144             Empiricism
145             Sensationalism
146             Materialism.  Positivism. Naturalism
147             Pantheism. Monism. Pluralism
148             Eclecticism
149             Other philosophical systems

150     Psychology
151             Physiological psychology
152             Sensation and perception
153             Attention. Memory. Thought
154             Feeling and emotion
155             Motor phenomena and volition. Will
156             Special mental states
157             Abnormal and pathological psychology
158             Applied psychology
159             Individual, social and comparative psychology

150-159: Columbia Classification devised about 1920 by a professor in the
Psychology Dept.  Replaced old 150-159, 130-139.  Placing Psychology with
Philosophy rather than science is from DDC, and is also done in Library of
Congress classification (B).

160     Logic
161             Inductive logic
162             Deductive logic
163             Assent. Faith
164             Symbolic logic. Algebraic logic
165             Sources of error. Fallacies
166             Syllogism
167             Hypotheses
168             Argument and persuasion
169             Analogy. Correspondence

170     Ethics
171             Theories. Philosophy of ethics
172             State ethics
173             Family ethics
174             Professional and business ethics
175             Ethics of amusements
176             Sexual ethics
177             Social ethics
178     --
179             Other ethics

180     Ancient philosophy
181     --
183     Ancient Greek philosophy
184             Individual philosophers
185     --
186     --
187     --
188     Medieval philosophy
189             Individual philosophers

190     Modern philosophy
191             USA
192             Great Britain
193             Germany
194             France
195             Italy
196             Spain
197             Slavic countries
198             Scandinavian countries
199             Other countries

184,189,191-199: Works of philosophers are classed using special alphabetic
tables, like literary works in 810-899; see the special note for 810-899 for
examples. There is one "voluminous author" (as in 810-899) with a special
scheme, Kant in 193KA to 193KZ.  Plato and Aristotle are placed in 88 (Greek
Literature), not here; in Philosophy Library they are here.