000     --
001     --
002     --
003     --
004     --
005     --
006     --
007     --
008     --
009     --

000-009: blank in DDC also.

010     Bibliography
011             General bibliographies
012             of Individual authors
013             of Special classes of authors
014             of Anonyms, Pseudonyms
015             of Special countries
016             of Special subjects
017     Classed catalogs
018     Author catalogs
019     Book industry and trade

010-016: Bibliographies are normally under the subject's call number, not
here, in the form (call number) over (A) + (Cutter for author), like 973 over
AB12, where B12 is the Cutter for the author.  (AB12 is distinct from the
Cutter number Ab12-- all of AA to AZ are placed first, followed by Aa to Az.)

020     Library economy [Library Science]
021             Scope and funding of libraries
022             Buildings
023             Government, services [Personnel]
024             Regulations for readers
025             Administration. Departments
026             Libraries on special subjects
027             General libraries
028     Reading
029     Literary methods and labor-savers

020-029: Not much material in General Library.  Almost everything to SLS

030     General encyclopedias and yearbooks
031             USA
032             Great Britain
033             Germany
034             France
035             Italy
036             Spain
037             Slavic countries
038             Scandinavian countries
039             Other countries

040     General biographical dictionaries
041             USA, Canada
042             Great Britain
043             Germany, Eastern Europe
044             France, Netherlands, Switzerland
045             Italy, Greece
046             Spain, Portugal
047             Latin America
048             Scandinavian countries
049             Russia, other countries

040-049: Not used in General Library, supposedly.  See 921 instead.  Seen
in the Reference department.

050     General periodicals
051             USA
052             Great Britain
053             Germany
054             France
055             Italy
056             Spain
057             Slavic countries
058             Scandinavian countries
059             Other countries

050-059: Periodicals use Cutter numbers or initials for the title.  Examples:

 051 over AB      A=bibliography + B=initial for Bucks County Hist Soc
 051 over Am359   Am359=Cutter number for American Quarterly
 051 over N       N=initial for The Nation
 051 over T48     T48=Cutter for Time

060     General societies and transactions
061             Americas
062             Great Britain
063             Germany
064             France
065             Italy
066             Spain
067             Slavic countries
068             Scandinavian countries
069             Other countries

060-069: Mostly, the name of the issuing society, university, or academy is
abbreviated on the first line, and a special form table is used for the
second line.  Some directories have just a simple first line over a Cutter
number.  The normal scheme is:

 061:     061 + (Cutter for organization) over (special form table)
 062-068: 067 + (initial or Cutter for org.) over (special form table)
 068:     uses decimal numbers: 068 Norway, 068.1 Sweden, 068.2 Denmark
 069:     069 + (initial of country) over (initial of place) + (letter 
            code) + (special form table)

The "letter code" referred to in 069 is A for the first organization to be
cataloged, B for the second.

The special form table follows; the letters may be followed by numbers:
        A       Bibliography            L       Reports
        B       History                 M       Memoirs, Transactions
        C       Biography               P       Proceedings
        D       Almanacx                T       Periodicals
        E       Laws                    V       Single works
        F       Charter                 W       Address by members
        K       Foundation


 063B over M    B=initial for Berliner Akademie der Wissenschaften
                M=form table for Memoirs
 069S over GAM  S=initial for country, Switzerland
                G=initial for place, Geneva
                A=the first organization cataloged, the Geneva Academy
                M=form table for Memoirs

070     General newspapers. Journalism
071             USA
072             Great Britain
073             Germany
074             France
075             Italy
076             Spain
077             Slavic countries
078             Scandinavian countries
079             Other countries

070-079: Most of this topic went to Journalism Library.

080     Indexes
081     Handbooks of information
082     Synonyms
083     --
084     Directories
085     Dictionaries of mythology
086     Dictionaries of geography
087     --
088     --
089     --

090     Book rarities
091             Manuscripts
092             Block books
093             Pre-1500
094             Rare printing
095             Rare binding
096             Rare illustrations
097             Bookplates
098             Prohibited books
099     --