Library of Congress Columbia Subject matter ------------------- ------------------- ----------------------------- AC 1-999 308 * Collections. Series. Pamphlets AE 1-89.9 030-039, Reference Encyclopedias. AG 1-600 081,829, Reference Dictionaries. Reference works AI 1-21 080, Reference Indexes AM 1-501 708,507 Museums AN 071-079 Newspapers AP 1-271 050-059 Periodicals AS 1-911 060-069 Academies and Societies AY 10-2001 084, Reference Yearbooks. Almanacs. Directories AZ 20-999 370 History of scholarship B 1-68 100-108 Philosophy B 69-5739 109,140-149,180-199 History of Philosophy. Systems BC 1-199 160-169 Logic BD 10-701 110-129 Speculative philosophy BF 1-1999 150-159 Psychology BH 1-301 701 Esthetics BJ 1-2195 170-179 Ethics BL 1-2790 200-219,290-299 Religion BM 1-990 893.15 Judaism BP 1-610 893.791 Islam BQ 1-9519 892.192 Buddhism BR 1-1725 260-269,931-933,281 Christianity. Church history BS 1-2970 220-229,893.1 Bible BT 10-1480 230-239 Christianity--Doctrinal theology BV 1-5099 240-259 Christianity--Practical theology BX 1-9999 934-938 Christianity--Sects C 1-50 900 History--auxiliary sciences CB 3-481 901 History of civilization CC 1-960 303,913 Archaeology, general CD 1-6471 417,900,929 * Diplomatics. Archives. Seals CE 1-97 529 Chronology. Calendar CJ 1-6661 737 Numismatics CN 1-1355 417 Inscriptions. Epigraphy CR 1-6305 929 Heraldry CS 1-3090 929 Genealogy CT 21-9999 92-921,040-049 Biography D 1-27 900-908 History D 51-95 930 Ancient world history D 111-849 909 Medieval and modern world history D 901-1075 940 Europe DA 1-990 941-942 Great Britain DB 1-975 943.6-943.9 Austria. Czechoslovakia. Hungary DC 1-989 944 France DD 1-901 943 Germany DE 1-98 884-886,874-876 Ancient Mediterranean DF 1-951 949.5 Greece DG 11-999 945 Italy DH 1-925 949.2-949.3 Low countries. Belgium DJ 1-411 949.2 Netherlands DJK 7-76 940 Eastern Europe DK 1-4800 947 Russia. Poland DL 1-991 948 Northern Europe. Scandinavia DP 1-776 946 Spain. Portugal DQ 1-851 949.4 Switzerland DR 1-2285 949.5-949.9 Balkan Peninsula DS 1-937 950-959,895.6,899.6 Asia DT 1-995 960-969 Africa DU 1-950 990-997 Oceania. Australia DX 101-301 397 Gypsies E 1-143 970,302.8 Americas. North America E 151-900 973 United States F 1-975 974-979 United States, states and regions F 1001-1140 971 Canada F 1201-1392 972 Mexico F 1401-3799 980-989,972 Latin America G 1-9980 910-912,998-999 Geography. Travels. Atlases. Pol- GA 1-1776 912,525-526 Cartography [ar Regions. GB 1-5030 551 Physical geography GC 1-1581 551 Oceanography GF 1-895 302.9 Human ecology. Anthropogeography GN 1-875 302 Anthropology GR 1-950 398,809 Folklore GT 1-7070 390-399 Manners and customs GV 1-1860 790-799 Recreation H 1-99 300,305-309 Social science HA 1-4737 310-319 Statistics HB 1-3840 330,331,312 Economics. Economic theory HC 1-1085 338 Economic history. Production HD 28-9999 333,334,338 Land. Industry. Labor HE 1-9900 383-389 Transportation, communication HF 1-6182 380-382,650-659 Commerce. Business HG 1-9999 332,336 Finance. Money HJ 9-9995 336,337 Public finance. Tariff HM 1-299 301,305-309 Sociology HN 1-980 901 * Social history HQ 1-2030.7 304.2-304.3,396 Family. Marriage. Woman HS 1-3365 360-369 Societies HT 51-1595 338.02,326 * Community. Class. Race HV 1-9920.5 339 Social pathology. Crime. Welfare HX 1-970.9 335 Socialism. Communism. Utopia J 1-981 328 Government documents JA 1-98 320 Political science JC 11-628 321-324 Political theory. State. Liberty JF 8-2111 350-354,329,363 Constitution. Administration JK 1-9995 353 United States JL 1-3899 354.9 Other American nations JN 101-9799 354.4 Europe JQ 200-6651 354 Other countries JS 3-7819 352 Local governments JV 1-9500 325 Colonies. Immigration JX 1-6953 341 International law K 340, Law Law KBB-KBP 340, Law Ancient Law, Theocratic Law KD 349, Law United Kingdom. Ireland KE-KEZ 349, Law Canada KF-KFZ 343, Law United States KG-KGG 349, Law Mexico. Central America KH-KHX 349, Law South America KJ-KJN 349, Law Europe. Western Europe KK-KKR 349, Law Central Europe KL-KLP 349, Law Southeastern, Northern Europe KM 349, Law USSR KP-KPN 349, Law Southwest Asia. Near East KQ-KQS 349, Law Southeast Asia. Far East KR-KRQ 349, Law Africa KTA-KTJ 349, Law Australia. Oceania L 7-991 370 Education LA 5-2396 370 History of education LB 5-3640 371-373,379 Theory and practice LC 8-6691 374-377 Special aspects. Forms, types LD 13-7501 378.7 Colleges, USA LE 3-78 378.7-378.8 Colleges, other American LF 20-5477 378.4 Colleges, Europe LG 21-961 378 Colleges, other LH 1-9 378 College and school magazines LJ 3-165 378 Student societies LT 6-501 370 Textbooks M 1-5000 Music Music [works] ML 1-3930 Music Music MT 1-949 Music Instruction and study of music N 1-9165 700-709 Visual Arts. History. Museums NA 1-9425 710-729 Architecture. Planning NB 1-1950 730-736 Sculpture NC 1-1940 740-747 Drawing. Design ND 25-3416 750-759 Painting NE 1-2890 760-769 Print media NK 1-9955 748-749,738-739 Decorative arts. Ceramic, glass NX 1-820 700,800 Arts in general P 1-1099 400-419 Philology and Linguistics PA 1-6971 87-889 Greek and Latin PB 1-431 409-415 Modern European languages PB 1001-3029 891.6 Celtic PC 1-5491 840,846,854,863 * Romance languages PD 1-7159 837 Germanic languages PE 1-3729 829 English language PF 1-5999 837 West Germanic languages PG 1-9678 891.7-891.9 Slavic. Baltic. Albanian PH 1-5940 895 Finno-Ugrian. Basque PJ 1-9278 893-894 Oriental. Hamitic. Semitic PK 1-9178 892 Indo-Iranian PL 1-8844 895-897,899 East Asian. African. Oceanic PM 1-7356 898 American Indian PM 7801-9021 408.9 Artificial languages PN 1-6790 800-809,070 Literature. Performing Arts PQ 1-3999 840-844,849 French literature PQ 4001-5991 85-853,855 Italian literature PQ 6001-9991 86-860,868-869 Spanish, Portuguese literature PR 1-9680 820-825 English literature (not USA) PS 126-3576 810-812 USA literature PT 1-4899 830-834, G German literature PT 5001-9999 838-839 Other Germanic literature PZ 1-90 808 Fiction, collections Q 1-380 500-509,160,164 Science. Cybernetics. Logic QA 1-939 Mathematics Mathematics QB 1-991 520-526,528 Astronomy QC 1-999 530-539 Physics QD 1-999 540-549 Chemistry QE 1-996.5 550-559 Geology QH 1-671 560-579 Natural history. Biology QK 1-977.5 580-589 Botany QL 1-991 590-599 Zoology QM 1-691 611 Human anatomy QP 1-981 612 Physiology QR 1-484 578 Microbiology R 5-905 610 Medicine RA 5-1270 613-614 Public Health RB 1-214 616 Pathology RC 31-1245 616 Internal medicine RD 1-811 617 Surgery RE 1-992 617 Ophthalmology RF 1-547 617 Otolaryngology RG 1-991 618 Obstetrics and Gynecology RJ 1-570 616 Pediatrics RK 1-701 617 Dentistry RL 1-801 616 Dermatology RM 1-931 615 Therapeutics RS 1-441 615 Pharmacology RT 1-120 610 Nursing RV 1-431 615 Botanical, eclectic medicine RX 1-681 610 Homeopathy RZ 201-999 610 Chiropractic. Osteopathy S 1-972 630-631,338 Agriculture SB 1-1110 633-635 Plant culture SD 1-668 634 Forestry SF 1-1100 619,636-638 Animal culture. Veterinary med. SH 1-691 639 Aquaculture. Fishing SK 1-579 639 Hunting T 1-975 600-609 Technology. Safety. Exhibitions TA 1-1280 620 Engineering. Civil engineering TC 1-1645 626-627 Hydraulic engineering TD 1-1015 628 Environmental technology TE 1-450 625 Highway engineering TF 1-1126 625 Railroad engineering TG 1-470 624 Bridge engineering TH 1-9745 690-697 Construction. Building TJ 1-1570 621 Mechanical engineering TK 1-9971 621 Electrical engineering TL 1-4050 699 Motor vehicles. Aeronautics TN 1-997 622 Mining TP 1-1185 660-669 Chemical technology TR 1-1045 770-779 Photography TS 1-2301 670-679 Manufactures TT 1-999 680-689 Handicrafts TX 1-1105 641 Home economics U 1-900 355 Military science UA 10-997 355 Armies UB 1-900 355 Military administration UC 10-780 355 Military maintenance UD 1-485 356 Infantry UE 1-500 357 Cavalry UF 1-910 358 Artillery UG 1-1425 623 Military engineering UH 20-910 355 Other services V 1-995 359 Naval science VA 10-750 359 Navies VB 15-955 359 Naval administration VC 10-580 359 Naval maintenance VD 7-430 359 Naval seamen VE 7-500 359 Marines VF 1-580 359 Naval ordnance VG 1-2029 359 Other services VK 1-1661 656,527,387 Navigation. Shipping VM 1-989 623,699 Naval architecture. Ships Z 4-549 411-419,019,090-099 Books. Writing Z 665-997 020-029, SLS, Reference Library science Z 998-8999 010-016, Reference General bibliography