Equivalent call numbers

Columbia and Library of Congress classifications

Although the two classifications often take the same approach to dividing knowledge into categories, in a few cases here the Columbia Classification column shows an asterisk (*) to note that the LC subject grouping does not correspond well to a Columbia Classification call number. This chart refers to the Columbia Classification as used in the General Library, and in some cases refers to other libraries at Columbia (e.g. Reference) as the Columbia location for an LC subject grouping.

Library of Congress Columbia                Subject matter
------------------- -------------------     -----------------------------
AC  1-999           308 *                   Collections. Series. Pamphlets
AE  1-89.9          030-039, Reference      Encyclopedias.
AG  1-600           081,829, Reference      Dictionaries. Reference works
AI  1-21            080, Reference          Indexes
AM  1-501           708,507                 Museums
AN                  071-079                 Newspapers
AP  1-271           050-059                 Periodicals
AS  1-911           060-069                 Academies and Societies
AY  10-2001         084, Reference          Yearbooks. Almanacs. Directories   
AZ  20-999          370                     History of scholarship

B   1-68            100-108                 Philosophy
B   69-5739         109,140-149,180-199     History of Philosophy. Systems
BC  1-199           160-169                 Logic
BD  10-701          110-129                 Speculative philosophy
BF  1-1999          150-159                 Psychology
BH  1-301           701                     Esthetics
BJ  1-2195          170-179                 Ethics
BL  1-2790          200-219,290-299         Religion
BM  1-990           893.15                  Judaism
BP  1-610           893.791                 Islam
BQ  1-9519          892.192                 Buddhism
BR  1-1725          260-269,931-933,281     Christianity. Church history
BS  1-2970          220-229,893.1           Bible
BT  10-1480         230-239                 Christianity--Doctrinal theology
BV  1-5099          240-259                 Christianity--Practical theology
BX  1-9999          934-938                 Christianity--Sects

C   1-50            900                     History--auxiliary sciences
CB  3-481           901                     History of civilization
CC  1-960           303,913                 Archaeology, general
CD  1-6471          417,900,929 *           Diplomatics. Archives. Seals
CE  1-97            529                     Chronology. Calendar
CJ  1-6661          737                     Numismatics
CN  1-1355          417                     Inscriptions. Epigraphy
CR  1-6305          929                     Heraldry
CS  1-3090          929                     Genealogy
CT  21-9999         92-921,040-049          Biography

D   1-27            900-908                 History
D   51-95           930                     Ancient world history
D   111-849         909                     Medieval and modern world history
D   901-1075        940                     Europe
DA  1-990           941-942                 Great Britain
DB  1-975           943.6-943.9             Austria. Czechoslovakia. Hungary
DC  1-989           944                     France
DD  1-901           943                     Germany
DE  1-98            884-886,874-876         Ancient Mediterranean
DF  1-951           949.5                   Greece
DG  11-999          945                     Italy
DH  1-925           949.2-949.3             Low countries. Belgium
DJ  1-411           949.2                   Netherlands
DJK 7-76            940                     Eastern Europe
DK  1-4800          947                     Russia. Poland
DL  1-991           948                     Northern Europe. Scandinavia
DP  1-776           946                     Spain. Portugal
DQ  1-851           949.4                   Switzerland
DR  1-2285          949.5-949.9             Balkan Peninsula
DS  1-937           950-959,895.6,899.6     Asia
DT  1-995           960-969                 Africa
DU  1-950           990-997                 Oceania. Australia
DX  101-301         397                     Gypsies

E   1-143           970,302.8               Americas. North America
E   151-900         973                     United States
F   1-975           974-979                 United States, states and regions
F   1001-1140       971                     Canada
F   1201-1392       972                     Mexico
F   1401-3799       980-989,972             Latin America

G   1-9980          910-912,998-999         Geography. Travels. Atlases. Pol-
GA  1-1776          912,525-526             Cartography           [ar Regions.
GB  1-5030          551                     Physical geography
GC  1-1581          551                     Oceanography
GF  1-895           302.9                   Human ecology. Anthropogeography
GN  1-875           302                     Anthropology
GR  1-950           398,809                 Folklore
GT  1-7070          390-399                 Manners and customs
GV  1-1860          790-799                 Recreation

H   1-99            300,305-309             Social science
HA  1-4737          310-319                 Statistics
HB  1-3840          330,331,312             Economics. Economic theory
HC  1-1085          338                     Economic history. Production
HD  28-9999         333,334,338             Land. Industry. Labor
HE  1-9900          383-389                 Transportation, communication
HF  1-6182          380-382,650-659         Commerce. Business
HG  1-9999          332,336                 Finance. Money
HJ  9-9995          336,337                 Public finance. Tariff
HM  1-299           301,305-309             Sociology
HN  1-980           901 *                   Social history
HQ  1-2030.7        304.2-304.3,396         Family. Marriage. Woman
HS  1-3365          360-369                 Societies
HT  51-1595         338.02,326 *            Community. Class. Race
HV  1-9920.5        339                     Social pathology. Crime. Welfare
HX  1-970.9         335                     Socialism. Communism. Utopia

J   1-981           328                     Government documents
JA  1-98            320                     Political science
JC  11-628          321-324                 Political theory. State. Liberty
JF  8-2111          350-354,329,363         Constitution. Administration
JK  1-9995          353                     United States
JL  1-3899          354.9                   Other American nations
JN  101-9799        354.4                   Europe
JQ  200-6651        354                     Other countries
JS  3-7819          352                     Local governments
JV  1-9500          325                     Colonies. Immigration
JX  1-6953          341                     International law

K                   340, Law                Law
KBB-KBP             340, Law                Ancient Law, Theocratic Law
KD                  349, Law                United Kingdom. Ireland
KE-KEZ              349, Law                Canada
KF-KFZ              343, Law                United States
KG-KGG              349, Law                Mexico. Central America
KH-KHX              349, Law                South America
KJ-KJN              349, Law                Europe. Western Europe
KK-KKR              349, Law                Central Europe
KL-KLP              349, Law                Southeastern, Northern Europe
KM                  349, Law                USSR
KP-KPN              349, Law                Southwest Asia. Near East
KQ-KQS              349, Law                Southeast Asia. Far East
KR-KRQ              349, Law                Africa
KTA-KTJ             349, Law                Australia. Oceania

L   7-991           370                     Education
LA  5-2396          370                     History of education
LB  5-3640          371-373,379             Theory and practice
LC  8-6691          374-377                 Special aspects. Forms, types
LD  13-7501         378.7                   Colleges, USA
LE  3-78            378.7-378.8             Colleges, other American
LF  20-5477         378.4                   Colleges, Europe
LG  21-961          378                     Colleges, other
LH  1-9             378                     College and school magazines
LJ  3-165           378                     Student societies
LT  6-501           370                     Textbooks

M   1-5000          Music                   Music [works]
ML  1-3930          Music                   Music
MT  1-949           Music                   Instruction and study of music

N   1-9165          700-709                 Visual Arts. History. Museums
NA  1-9425          710-729                 Architecture. Planning
NB  1-1950          730-736                 Sculpture
NC  1-1940          740-747                 Drawing. Design
ND  25-3416         750-759                 Painting
NE  1-2890          760-769                 Print media
NK  1-9955          748-749,738-739         Decorative arts. Ceramic, glass
NX  1-820           700,800                 Arts in general

P   1-1099          400-419                 Philology and Linguistics
PA  1-6971          87-889                  Greek and Latin
PB  1-431           409-415                 Modern European languages
PB  1001-3029       891.6                   Celtic
PC  1-5491          840,846,854,863 *       Romance languages
PD  1-7159          837                     Germanic languages
PE  1-3729          829                     English language
PF  1-5999          837                     West Germanic languages
PG  1-9678          891.7-891.9             Slavic. Baltic. Albanian
PH  1-5940          895                     Finno-Ugrian. Basque
PJ  1-9278          893-894                 Oriental. Hamitic. Semitic
PK  1-9178          892                     Indo-Iranian
PL  1-8844          895-897,899             East Asian. African. Oceanic
PM  1-7356          898                     American Indian
PM  7801-9021       408.9                   Artificial languages
PN  1-6790          800-809,070             Literature. Performing Arts
PQ  1-3999          840-844,849             French literature
PQ  4001-5991       85-853,855              Italian literature
PQ  6001-9991       86-860,868-869          Spanish, Portuguese literature
PR  1-9680          820-825                 English literature (not USA)
PS  126-3576        810-812                 USA literature
PT  1-4899          830-834, G              German literature
PT  5001-9999       838-839                 Other Germanic literature
PZ  1-90            808                     Fiction, collections

Q   1-380           500-509,160,164         Science. Cybernetics. Logic
QA  1-939           Mathematics             Mathematics
QB  1-991           520-526,528             Astronomy
QC  1-999           530-539                 Physics
QD  1-999           540-549                 Chemistry
QE  1-996.5         550-559                 Geology
QH  1-671           560-579                 Natural history. Biology
QK  1-977.5         580-589                 Botany
QL  1-991           590-599                 Zoology
QM  1-691           611                     Human anatomy
QP  1-981           612                     Physiology
QR  1-484           578                     Microbiology

R   5-905           610                     Medicine
RA  5-1270          613-614                 Public Health
RB  1-214           616                     Pathology
RC  31-1245         616                     Internal medicine
RD  1-811           617                     Surgery
RE  1-992           617                     Ophthalmology
RF  1-547           617                     Otolaryngology
RG  1-991           618                     Obstetrics and Gynecology
RJ  1-570           616                     Pediatrics
RK  1-701           617                     Dentistry
RL  1-801           616                     Dermatology
RM  1-931           615                     Therapeutics
RS  1-441           615                     Pharmacology
RT  1-120           610                     Nursing
RV  1-431           615                     Botanical, eclectic medicine
RX  1-681           610                     Homeopathy
RZ  201-999         610                     Chiropractic. Osteopathy

S   1-972           630-631,338             Agriculture
SB  1-1110          633-635                 Plant culture
SD  1-668           634                     Forestry
SF  1-1100          619,636-638             Animal culture. Veterinary med.
SH  1-691           639                     Aquaculture. Fishing
SK  1-579           639                     Hunting

T   1-975           600-609                 Technology. Safety. Exhibitions
TA  1-1280          620                     Engineering. Civil engineering
TC  1-1645          626-627                 Hydraulic engineering
TD  1-1015          628                     Environmental technology
TE  1-450           625                     Highway engineering
TF  1-1126          625                     Railroad engineering
TG  1-470           624                     Bridge engineering
TH  1-9745          690-697                 Construction. Building
TJ  1-1570          621                     Mechanical engineering
TK  1-9971          621                     Electrical engineering
TL  1-4050          699                     Motor vehicles. Aeronautics
TN  1-997           622                     Mining
TP  1-1185          660-669                 Chemical technology
TR  1-1045          770-779                 Photography
TS  1-2301          670-679                 Manufactures
TT  1-999           680-689                 Handicrafts
TX  1-1105          641                     Home economics

U   1-900           355                     Military science
UA  10-997          355                     Armies
UB  1-900           355                     Military administration
UC  10-780          355                     Military maintenance
UD  1-485           356                     Infantry
UE  1-500           357                     Cavalry
UF  1-910           358                     Artillery
UG  1-1425          623                     Military engineering
UH  20-910          355                     Other services

V   1-995           359                     Naval science
VA  10-750          359                     Navies
VB  15-955          359                     Naval administration
VC  10-580          359                     Naval maintenance
VD  7-430           359                     Naval seamen
VE  7-500           359                     Marines
VF  1-580           359                     Naval ordnance
VG  1-2029          359                     Other services
VK  1-1661          656,527,387             Navigation. Shipping
VM  1-989           623,699                 Naval architecture. Ships

Z   4-549           411-419,019,090-099     Books. Writing
Z   665-997         020-029, SLS, Reference Library science
Z   998-8999        010-016, Reference      General bibliography