U S Record Releases by the Beatles 1962-1970


By Joseph Brennan, [email protected].  Copyright 1994.

Original releases and selected reissues and compilations.  The CDs also
indicate the original English LP the song appeared on, with the exception of
the "Past Masters" and "Magical Mystery Tour" CDs which were not original
English LPs.

Date and Record
  Songs                                                 CD for each song

1962 Apr.  Decca 31382
  My Bonnie [(Twist)]                                   Early tapes
  The Saints                                            Early tapes

1963 Feb.  Vee Jay VJ 498
  Please please me                                      Please please me
  Ask me why                                            Please please me

1963 May.  Vee Jay VJ 522
  From me to you                                        Past masters 1
  Thank you girl                                        Past masters 1

1963 Sep.  Swan 4152
  She loves you                                         Past masters 1
  I'll get you                                          Past masters 1

1964 Jan.  Capitol 5112
  I want to hold your hand                              Past masters 1
  I saw her standing there                              Please please me

1964 Jan.  Capitol T 2047 and ST 2047 (stereo)
Meet the Beatles!
  I want to hold your hand                              Past masters 1
  I saw her standing there                              Please please me
  This boy                                              Past masters 1
  It won't be long                                      With the Beatles
  All I've got to do                                    With the Beatles
  All my loving                                         With the Beatles
  Don't bother me                                       With the Beatles
  Little child                                          With the Beatles
  Till there was you                                    With the Beatles
  Hold me tight                                         With the Beatles
  I wanna be your man                                   With the Beatles
  Not a second time                                     With the Beatles

1964 Jan.  Vee Jay VJLP 1062 and VJSR 1062 (stereo)
Introducing the Beatles [first issue]
  I saw her standing there                              Please please me
  Misery                                                Please please me
  Anna                                                  Please please me
  Chains                                                Please please me
  Boys                                                  Please please me
  Love me do                                            Please please me
  P.S. I love you                                       Please please me
  Baby, it's you                                        Please please me
  Do you want to know a secret                          Please please me
  A taste of honey                                      Please please me
  There's a place                                       Please please me
  Twist and shout                                       Please please me

1964 Jan.  MGM K 13213
  My Bonnie                                             Early tapes
  The Saints                                            Early tapes

1964 Jan.  Vee Jay VJLP 1062 and VJSR 1062 (stereo)
Introducing the Beatles [second issue]
  I saw her standing there                              Please please me
  Misery                                                Please please me
  Anna                                                  Please please me
  Chains                                                Please please me
  Boys                                                  Please please me
  Ask me why                                            Please please me
  Please please me                                      Please please me
  Baby, it's you                                        Please please me
  Do you want to know a secret                          Please please me
  A taste of honey                                      Please please me
  There's a place                                       Please please me
  Twist and shout                                       Please please me

1964 Jan.  Vee Jay VJ 581
  Please please me                                      Please please me
  From me to you                                        Past masters 1

1964 Feb.  MGM E 4215 and SE 4215 (stereo)
The Beatles with Tony Sheridan and their Guests.
  My Bonnie                                             Early tapes
  Cry for a shadow                                      Early tapes
  The saints                                            Early tapes
  Why                                                   Early tapes

1964 Feb.  Vee Jay VJLP 1085 and VJSR 1085 (stereo)
Jolly What!  The Beatles and Frank Ifield on Stage
  Please please me                                      Please please me
  From me to you                                        Past masters 1
  Ask me why                                            Please please me
  Thank you girl                                        Past masters 1

1964 Mar.  Tollie 9001
  Twist and shout                                       Please please me
  There's a place                                       Please please me

1964 Mar.  Capitol 5150
  Can't buy me love                                     A hard day's night
  You can't do that                                     A hard day's night

1964 Mar.  Vee Jay VJEP 1-903
  Misery                                                Please please me
  A taste of honey                                      Please please me
  Ask me why                                            Please please me
  Anna                                                  Please please me

1964 Mar.  Vee Jay VJ 587
  Do you want to know a secret                          Please please me
  Thank you girl                                        Please please me

1964 Mar.  MGM K 13227
  Why                                                   Early tapes
  Cry for a shadow                                      Early tapes

1964 Apr.  Capitol T 2080 and ST 2080 (stereo)
The Beatles' Second Album
  Roll over Beethoven                                   With the Beatles
  Thank you girl                                        Past masters 1
  You really got a hold on me                           With the Beatles
  Devil in her heart                                    With the Beatles
  Money                                                 With the Beatles
  You can't do that                                     A hard day's night
  Long tall Sally                                       Past masters 1
  I call your name                                      Past masters 1
  Please Mr Postman                                     With the Beatles
  I'll get you                                          Past masters 1
  She loves you                                         Past masters 1

1964 Apr.  Tollie 9008
  Love me do                                            Please please me
  P.S. I love you                                       Please please me

1964 May.  Capitol EAP 2121
Four by the Beatles
  Roll over Beethoven                                   With the Beatles
  All my loving                                         With the Beatles
  This boy                                              Past masters 1
  Please Mr Postman                                     With the Beatles

1964 May.  Swan 4182
  Sie liebt dich                                        Past masters 1
  I'll get you                                          Past masters 1

1964 Jun.  Atco 6302
  Sweet Georgia Brown                                   Early tapes
  Take out some insurance on me                         Early tapes

1964 Jun.  United Artists UAL 6366 and UAS 6366 (stereo)
A Hard Day's Night / The Beatles
  A hard day's night                                    A hard day's night
  Tell me why                                           A hard day's night
  I'll cry instead                                      A hard day's night
  I'm happy just to dance with you                      A hard day's night
  I should have known better                            A hard day's night
  If I fell                                             A hard day's night
  And I love her                                        A hard day's night
  Can't buy me love                                     A hard day's night

1964 Jul.  Atco 6308
  Ain't she sweet                                       Early tapes
  Nobody's child                                        Early tapes

1964 Jul.  Capitol 5222
  A hard day's night                                    A hard day's night
  I should have known better                            A hard day's night

1964 Jul.  Capitol 5234
  I'll cry instead                                      A hard day's night
  I'm happy just to dance with you                      A hard day's night

1964 Jul.  Capitol 5235
  And I love her                                        A hard day's night
  If I fell                                             A hard day's night

1964 Jul.  Capitol T 2108 and ST 2108 (stereo)
Something New / The Beatles
  I'll cry intead                                       A hard day's night
  Things we said today                                  A hard day's night
  Any time at all                                       A hard day's night
  When I get home                                       A hard day's night
  Slow down                                             Past masters 1
  Matchbox                                              Past masters 1
  Tell me why                                           A hard day's night
  And I love her                                        A hard day's night
  I'm happy just to dance with you                      A hard day's night
  If I fell                                             A hard day's night
  Komm, gib mir deine Hand                              Past masters 1

1964 Aug.  Capitol 5255
  Slow down                                             Past masters 1
  Matchbox                                              Past masters 1

1964 Oct.  Vee Jay VJDX 30
The Beatles vs the Four Seasons
One record was VJLP 1062 [second issue].

1964 Oct.  Atco 33-169 and SD 33-169 (stereo)
Ain't She Sweet / The Beatles & Other Great Group Sounds from England
  Ain't she sweet                                       Early tapes
  Sweet Georgia Brown                                   Early tapes
  Take out some insurance                               Early tapes
  Nobody's child                                        Early tapes

1964 Oct.  Vee Jay VJLP 1092
Songs, Pictures and Stories of the Fabulous Beatles
Same record as VJLP 1062 [second issue].

1964 Nov.  Capitol TBO 2222 and STBO 2222 (stereo)
The Beatles' Story
Spoken word.

1964 Dec.  Capitol T 2228 and ST 2228 (stereo)
Beatles '65
  No reply                                              Beatles for sale
  I'm a loser                                           Beatles for sale
  Baby's in black                                       Beatles for sale
  Rock and roll music                                   Beatles for sale
  I'll follow the sun                                   Beatles for sale
  Mr Moonlight                                          Beatles for sale
  Honey don't                                           Beatles for sale
  I'll be back                                          A hard day's night
  She's a woman                                         Past masters 1
  I feel fine                                           Past masters 1
  Everybody's trying to be my baby                      Beatles for sale

1965 Feb.  Capitol R 5365
4 by 4 / The Beatles
  Honey don't                                           Beatles for sale
  I'm a loser                                           Beatles for sale
  Mr Moonlight                                          Beatles for sale
  Everybody's trying to be my baby                      Beatles for sale

1965 Feb.  Capitol 5371
  Eight days a week                                     Beatles for sale
  I don't want to spoil the party                       Beatles for sale

1965 Mar.  Capitol T 2309 and ST 2309 (stereo)
The Early Beatles
  Love me do                                            Please please me
  Twist and shout                                       Please please me
  Anna                                                  Please please me
  Chains                                                Please please me
  Boys                                                  Please please me
  Ask me why                                            Please please me
  Please please me                                      Please please me
  P.S. I love you                                       Please please me
  Baby, it's you                                        Please please me
  A taste of honey                                      Please please me
  Do you want to know a secret                          Please please me

1965 Apr.  Capitol 5407
  Ticket to ride                                        Help!
  Yes it is                                             Past masters 1

1965 Jun.  Capitol T 2358 and ST 2358 (stereo)
Beatles VI
  Kansas City/Hey hey hey hey                           Beatles for sale
  Eight days a week                                     Beatles for sale
  You like me too much                                  Help!
  Bad boy                                               Past masters 1
  I don't want to spoil the party                       Beatles for sale
  Words of love                                         Beatles for sale
  What you're doing                                     Beatles for sale
  Yes it is                                             Past masters 1
  Dizzy Miss Lizzie                                     Help!
  Tell me what you see                                  Help!
  Every little thing                                    Beatles for sale

1965 Jul.  Capitol 5476
  Help!                                                 Help!
  I'm down                                              Past masters 1

1965 Aug.  Capitol MAS 2386 and SMAS 2386 (stereo)
Help! / The Beatles
  Help!                                                 Help!
  The night before                                      Help!
  You've got to hide your love away                     Help!
  I need you                                            Help!
  Another girl                                          Help!
  Ticket to ride                                        Help!
  You're going to lose that girl                        Help!

1965 Sep.  Capitol 5498
  Yesterday                                             Help!
  Act naturally                                         Help!

1965 Dec.  Capitol 5555
  Day tripper                                           Past masters 2
  We can work it out                                    Past masters 2

1965 Dec.  Capitol T 2442 and ST 2442 (stereo)
Rubber Soul / The Beatles
  I've just seen a face                                 Help!
  Norwegian wood                                        Rubber soul
  You won't see me                                      Rubber soul
  Think for yourself                                    Rubber soul
  The word                                              Rubber soul
  Michelle                                              Rubber soul
  It's only love                                        Help!
  Girl                                                  Rubber soul
  I'm looking through you                               Rubber soul
  In my life                                            Rubber soul
  Wait                                                  Rubber soul
  Run for your life                                     Rubber soul

1966 Feb.  Capitol 5587
  Nohere man                                            Rubber soul
  What goes on                                          Rubber soul

1966 May.  Capitol 5651
  Paperback writer                                      Past masters 2
  Rain                                                  Past masters 2

1966 Jun.  Capitol T 2553 and ST 2553 (stereo)
"Yesterday"...and Today / The Beatles
  Drive my car                                          Rubber soul
  I'm only sleeping                                     Revolver
  Nowhere man                                           Rubber soul
  Dr Robert                                             Revolver
  Yesterday                                             Help!
  Act naturally                                         Help!
  And your bird can sing                                Revolver
  If I needed someone                                   Rubber soul
  We can work it out                                    Past masters 2
  What goes on                                          Rubber soul
  Day tripper                                           Past masters 2

1966 Aug.  Capitol 5715
  Yellow submarine                                      Revolver
  Eleanor Rigby                                         Revolver

1966 Aug.  Capitol T 2576 and ST 2576 (stereo)
Revolver / The Beatles
  Taxman                                                Revolver
  Eleanor Rigby                                         Revolver
  Love you to                                           Revolver
  Here, there and everywhere                            Revolver
  Yellow submarine                                      Revolver
  She said she said                                     Revolver
  Good day sunshine                                     Revolver
  For no one                                            Revolver
  I want to tell you                                    Revolver
  Got to get you into my life                           Revolver
  Tomorrow never knows                                  Revolver

1967 Feb.  Capitol 5810
  Penny Lane                                            Magical mystery tour
  Strawberry Fields forever                             Magical mystery tour

1967 Jun.  Capitol MAS 2653 and SMAS 2653 (stereo)
Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band / The Beatles
  Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band                   Sgt Peppers
  With a little help from my friends                    Sgt Peppers
  Lucy in the sky with diamonds                         Sgt Peppers
  Getting better                                        Sgt Peppers
  Fixing a hole                                         Sgt Peppers
  She's leaving home                                    Sgt Peppers
  Being for the benefit of Mr Kite                      Sgt Peppers
  Within you without you                                Sgt Peppers
  When I'm sixty-four                                   Sgt Peppers
  Lovely Rita                                           Sgt Peppers
  Good morning good morning                             Sgt Peppers
  Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band (reprise)         Sgt Peppers
  A day in the life                                     Sgt Peppers

1967 Jul.  Capitol 5964
  All you need is love                                  Magical mystery tour
  Baby, you're a rich man                               Magical mystery tour

1967 Nov.  Capitol 2056
  Hello goodbye                                         Magical mystery tour
  I am the walrus                                       Magical mystery tour

1967 Nov.  Capitol MAL 2835 and SMAL 2835 (stereo)
Magical Mystery Tour / The Beatles
  Magical mystery tour                                  Magical mystery tour
  The fool on the hill                                  Magical mystery tour
  Flying                                                Magical mystery tour
  Blue Jay Way                                          Magical mystery tour
  Your mother should know                               Magical mystery tour
  I am the walrus                                       Magical mystery tour
  Hello goodbye                                         Magical mystery tour
  Strawberry Fields forever                             Magical mystery tour
  Penny Lane                                            Magical mystery tour
  Baby, you're a rich man                               Magical mystery tour
  All you need is love                                  Magical mystery tour

1968 Mar.  Capitol 2138
  Lady Madonna                                          Past masters 2
  The inner light                                       Past masters 2

1968 Aug.  Apple 2276
  Hey Jude                                              Past masters 2
  Revolution                                            Past masters 2

1968 Nov.  Apple SWBO 101 (stereo, 2 LPs)
The Beatles  [no title: known as the white album]
  Back in the U.S.S.R.                                  white
  Dear Prudence                                         white
  Glass onion                                           white
  Ob-la-di, ob-la-da                                    white
  Wild honey pie                                        white
  The continuing story of Bungalow Bill                 white
  While my guitar gently weeps                          white
  Happiness is a warm gun                               white
  Martha my dear                                        white
  I'm so tired                                          white
  Blackbird                                             white
  Piggies                                               white
  Rocky Raccoon                                         white
  Don't pass me by                                      white
  Why don't we do it in the road                        white
  I will                                                white
  Julia                                                 white
  Birthday                                              white
  Yer blues                                             white
  Mother nature's son                                   white
  Everybody's got something to hide 
    except me and my monkey                             white
  Sexy Sadie                                            white
  Helter skelter                                        white
  Long long long                                        white
  Revolution 1                                          white
  Honey Pie                                             white
  Savoy truffle                                         white
  Cry baby cry                                          white
  [Can you take me back]                                white
  Revolution 9                                          white
  Good night                                            white

1969 Jan.  Apple SW 153 (stereo)
Yellow submarine / The Beatles
  Yellow submarine                                      Yellow submarine
  Only a Northern Song                                  Yellow submarine
  All together now                                      Yellow submarine
  Hey bulldog                                           Yellow submarine
  It's all too much                                     Yellow submarine
  All you need is love                                  Yellow submarine

1969 May.  Apple 2490 (stereo)
  Get back [single]                                     Past masters 2
  Don't let me down                                     Past masters 2

1969 Jun.  Apple 2531 (stereo)
  The ballad of John and Yoko                           Past masters 2
  Old brown shoe                                        Past masters 2

1969 Oct.  Apple SO-383 (stereo)
Abbey Road / The Beatles
  Come together                                         Abbey Road
  Something                                             Abbey Road
  Maxwell's silver hammer                               Abbey Road
  Oh! darling                                           Abbey Road
  Octopus's garden                                      Abbey Road
  I want you (she's so heavy)                           Abbey Road
  Here comes the sun                                    Abbey Road
  Because                                               Abbey Road
  You never give me your money                          Abbey Road
  Sun king/Mean Mr Mustard                              Abbey Road
  Polythene Pam/She came in through the bathroom window Abbey Road
  Golden slumbers/Carry that weight                     Abbey Road
  The end                                               Abbey Road
  Her majesty						Abbey Road

1969 Oct.  Apple 2654 (stereo)
  Something                                             Abbey Road
  Come together                                         Abbey Road

1970 Feb.  Apple SW-385 (stereo)
Hey Jude / The Beatles
  Can't buy me love                                     A hard day's night
  I should have known better                            A hard day's night
  Paperback writer                                      Past masters 2
  Rain                                                  Past masters 2
  Lady Madonna                                          Past masters 2
  Revolution                                            Past masters 2
  Hey Jude                                              Past masters 2
  Old brown shoe                                        Past masters 2
  Don't let me down                                     Past masters 2
  The ballad of John and Yoko                           Past masters 2

1970 Mar.  Apple 2764 (A-side in stereo)
  Let it be [single]                                    Past masters 2
  You know my name (look up the number)                 Past masters 2

1970 May.  Polydor 24-4504 (stereo)
The Beatles / Circa 1960 / In the Beginning
  Ain't she sweet                                       Early tapes
  Cry for a shadow                                      Early tapes
  My Bonnie                                             Early tapes
  Take out some insurance on me                         Early tapes
  Sweet Georgia Brown                                   Early tapes
  The saints                                            Early tapes
  Why                                                   Early tapes
  Nobody's child                                        Early tapes

1970 May.  Apple AR 34001 (stereo)
Let it be / The Beatles
  Two of us                                             Let it be
  Dig a pony                                            Let it be
  Across the universe [Spector]                         Let it be
  I me mine                                             Let it be
  Dig it                                                Let it be
  Let it be [Spector]                                   Let it be
  Maggie Mae                                            Let it be
  I've got a feeling                                    Let it be
  One after 909                                         Let it be
  The long and winding road                             Let it be
  For you blue                                          Let it be
  Get back [Spector]                                    Let it be

1970 May.  Apple 2832 (stereo)
  The long and winding road                             Let it be
  For you blue                                          Let it be

Songs not yet issued in the US by the end of 1970
but which are on the standard CD set
  Love me do [UK single]                                Past masters 1
  Across the universe [Wildlife]                        Past masters 2

Songs not available on albums in the US at the end of 1970
but which had been released previously
  Misery                                                Please please me
  There's a place                                       Please please me
  From me to you                                        Past masters 1
  I'm down                                              Past masters 1
  The inner light                                       Past masters 2
  Get back [single]                                     Past masters 2
  Let it be [single]                                    Past masters 2
  You know my name (look up the number)                 Past masters 2

For more information, see:

Harry Castleman and Walter Podrazik, ALL TOGETHER NOW, the first complete
Beatles discography 1961-1975, Pierian Press, 1975, and Ballantine Books,
1976, and later Popular Culture Ink.  Currently out of print.

Gareth L Panowski, HOW THEY BECAME THE BEATLES, E.P. Dutton, 1989.  

Note that the same song as heard on the vinyl listed above and on the CD may
sound different; for details see my work, THE USENET GUIDE TO BEATLES