The Usenet Guide to Beatles Recording VariationsVersion 2 compiled by Joseph Brennancopyright 1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000.
Of related interest is a separate document, What Goes On, a list of "anomalies" compiled by Michael Weiss and M J Brown, at While researching recording variations, we ended up making lists of the Beatles original vinyl releases in the United Kingdom , the United States, and Germany . So here they are. The UK list has recording dates, and the US list has a key to where the songs ended up on CD. If this isn't enough for you, please see Frank Daniels's Across the Universe pages about American releases. The releases of the Beatles' Hamburg Recordings (1961 and 1962) are so confusing that I wrote a separate guide. It's only eight songs. Since you've probably heard all the Beatles recordings a thousand times over, why not turn to something completely different... songs the Beatles wrote that were not released by the Beatles, Songs The Beatles Didn't Do . For links and stuff, please go see The Internet Beatles Album at