Professor Mikhail Smirnov's Mathematics of Finance is a two-part course on the basics of probability and finance. This course requires a solid understanding of calculus.

In the following lessons, we will explore the notions of derivatives, futures, and options, as well as theories of volatility, arbitrage, and hedging. We will describe and apply the Black-Scholes formula for pricing options and the theory of Brownian motion as it applies to calculating price and risk.

Each lesson concludes with either a quiz or an interactive exercise, which you are advised to use in order to test your knowledge. Professor Smirnov will respond to questions and comments in the open discussion board for this course. Welcome.

This seminar is designed to be viewed with Netscape (4.0+: PC or Mac) or Internet Explorer (4.0+: PC; 5.0+: Mac). The optional video introduction requires the Real Player 7.0+ plug-in or you can read the transcript.

This e-seminar, developed in 2001, may not work with modern browsers. Some external links and content may be out of date. We have no plans to update this e-seminar but hope you enjoy the learning experience.

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