Remote Learning Support

To enhance your learning experience, this course utilizes the technologies listed below. For more information about each tool please review the suggested resource guides on this page. If you experience technical issues or have other technology related questions, then please refer to the support resources at the bottom of this page.

Course Technologies


Canvas/CourseWorks is Columbia University’s learning management system. Every course at the School of Professional Studies has its own course site within Canvas where instructors and associates can share content, collect and grade assignments, and communicate with their students.

  • Log in with your UNI and password to access the complete course navigation.
  • For information on which browsers Canvas supports, please consult their Supported Browsers page.
  • If you want to learn more about Canvas, consult this Canvas Student Guide. We have also set up a Canvas Student Resources site with additional helpful links and tutorials.

Zoom Class Sessions

Zoom is a cloud-based HD video conferencing platform. Zoom allows faculty and students to meet in real-time via webcam and audio for online class sessions and virtual meetings. There are several resources available to familiarize you with the use of Zoom:

Columbia Libraries

Columbia University Libraries is a top-tier academic research library, with a collection that includes resources in more than 450 languages and primary source materials that span over 4,000 years of human thought.

The collection is comprised of 13 million volumes, over 160,000 journals and serials, as well as extensive electronic resources, manuscripts, rare books, microforms, maps, and graphic and audio-visual materials.

  • Most texts are available as PDFs or live links within the Canvas course site, but you may find others on E-Reserves. The majority of additional library resources commonly used by SPS students are available online.
  • Columbia University Libraries has staff dedicated to helping students with their research support needs. Contact Kae Bara Kratcha via email ([email protected]) with any questions or to schedule a meeting.

Prepare for Your Class Session

Please follow these best practice guidelines to ensure that you can fully participate in each Class Session:


Technical Support


Additional Support Resources