Cataloging Practices Manual [CPM-695]


Special Materials & Procedures
Note: See CPM696 for Atlases.


For cataloging procedures consult the Map Cataloging Manual and Map Cataloger's Toolbox as well as AACR Chapter 3. OSMC has an excellent monograph in the departmental reference collection: Maps and related cartographic materials : cataloging, classification and bibliographic control, ed. Paige Andrews and Mary Lynette Lasgaard, c1999.

Note: Until March 2004, "Shelved Geographically" was coded in 852 $z. Until June 2004, "Shelved Geographically" was coded in 852 $g. Change these to $h on encounter.


  1. Use the following procedures for the Lehman Map Room, Geology, Geoscience, East Asian and Avery. If you have a map for another location, consult a supervisor.

  2. East Asian CJK maps use LC classification. Avery maps use Avery classification.

  3. The procedures below apply to flat maps and all Lehman Map Room maps. Boxed and folded map sets (often accompanying a monograph), for other locations are classed as usual.

  4. Assign an LC class number in the bib record 050 field.

  5. The location code for the Lehman Map Room is map. For other locations consult CPM500.

  6. Code 852 8 $b [location] $h Shelved Geographically for all locations other than East Asian CJK and Avery

  7. Do not mark maps in any way.

  8. Barcode flat maps on the back righthand bottom corner if one-sided. Double-sided maps should be barcoded in the bottom righthand corner margin of one of the sides, or near the legend if there is no margin.

  9. Code item type map Create a separate item record with another barcode if the map is accompanied by a booklet.

  10. Do not charge Lehman maps to a status patron. Instead, call Jeremiah Trinidad-Christensen to arrange for Lehman maps to be picked up. Maps for Lehman are not processed by BSP. Lehman maps are tattletaped prior to cataloging and require a special pass to be removed from Butler.

  11. Charge all other maps to In-transit.

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Last updated: 04/26/11 kmh