Cataloging Practices Manual [CPM-177]

Workflow for newly-cataloged items for ReCAP:
overview and recommended practices

This document is also cross-listed as DCMM902.


  1. Item leaves Bib. Control (MPS, OSMC, or SPS) for BSP:
  2. Staff-Side Location (Item and Hld): xxx4off
    OPAC location: For Offsite
    Item charged to status patron: OFFLABL001 or CATBIND001
    Status message in OPAC: En route to Offsite. Try Borrow Direct or ILL
    In bindery preparation. Try Borrow Direct or ILL
    OFFSITE request button: Not turned on


  3. Item leaves BSP for ReCAP:
  4. Staff-Side Location (Item and Hld): xxx4off
    OPAC location: For Offsite
    Item charged to status patron: OFFLABL001 or BSPBIND001
    Status message in OPAC: En route to Offsite. Try Borrow Direct or ILL
    At bindery. Try Borrow Direct or ILL
    OFFSITE request button: Not turned on


  5. Item accessioned at ReCAP – NOT discharged from status patron:
  6. Staff-Side Location (Item and Hld): off,xxx
    OPAC location: Offsite
    Item charged to status patron: OFFLABL001 or BSPBIND001
    Status message in OPAC: En route to Offsite. Try Borrow Direct or ILL
    At bindery. Try Borrow Direct or ILL
    OFFSITE request button: Request from OFFSITE


  7. Item accessioned at ReCAP - discharged from status patron:
  8. Staff-Side Location (Item and Hld): off,xxx
    OPAC location: Offsite
    Item charged to status patron: Discharged/Not Charged
    Status message in OPAC: Available
    OFFSITE request button: Request from OFFSITE


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last updated on 9 May, 2011 /{cls}