Cataloging Practices Manual [CPM-106]

Importing Records into Voyager

Record Creation Procedures


Adding records from OCLC to CLIO under Voyager is a two-step process. The first step is to export the record from OCLC to an import file on your own workstation. The second step is to import the record from that import file via Voyager. This document only describes the second step of the process.


  1. After having exported the desired record from OCLC, return to the Voyager cataloging module, press the F8 key view your imported record(s) (if macros are unavailable you can retrieve them if you click on Record on the menu bar, and from the drop-down menu select Import> From new file...)

  2. A new dialog box will open, listing the contents of the import file C:\Voyager\local\imports\records.bib. This file will consist of all the bibliographic records you exported from OCLC. Each record imported will be listed on a separate line.
    N.B. It is recommended to search, export, import, complete and route one book at a time, but use the workflow that suits you best.

  3. Use arrow keys or mouse to select the line with the record you would like to import and then either hit Enter or click OK. The bibliographic record will be displayed with its OCLC ID in the title bar. It still does not have a Voyager CLIO ID because you have not yet saved it to the CLIO database (i.e. it is not yet "in CLIO"). For saving imported records to CLIO see CPM-179 "Saving Records to CLIO".

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Last updated: 09/27/11 mdw