Cataloging Practices Manual [CPM-424]

Descriptive list of offsite barcode prefixes used at Columbia


The ReCAP off-site shelving facility is a shared operation between Columbia University, the New York Public Library and Princeton University. Materials stored at ReCAP are identified exclusively by barcode. Items' unique barcode number facilitates accession at ReCAP and retrieval upon request. Columbia University offsite barcode sequences include a series of two-letter prefix codes which are used to designate access permissions.

Customer Codes and Barcode Prefixes

Customer codes are two-letter codes that control access permissions at ReCAP. There are multiple customer codes currently in use. Although customer codes and barcode prefixes almost entirely correlate, they are assigned separately. Access permissions are controlled exclusively by customer code. In following descriptions, discrepancies between barcode prefixes and active customer codes are noted within a double asterisk (**).

Circulating collections are assigned a standard barcode prefix and customer code: CU. Materials with customer code CU are deliverable to all CUL circulation desks (excluding Law and Teachers College).

Please see the Barcode Placement document for current practice of applying barcodes to physical objects.

AD AD: Avery Drawing & Archives. Deliverable only directly to Avery Library Drawings & Archives; non-circulating. AD barcodes have dark ochre stripe and text reads: "COLUMBIA LIBRARIES OFFSITE | AVERY DRAWINGS & ARCHIVES"
AR AR: Avery Library Restricted. These are used for Avery Architecture and Fine Arts materials. Deliverable only to Avery; non-circulating. AR barcodes have pink stripe and text reads: "COLUMBIA LIBRARIES OFFSITE | AVERY FINE ARTS RESTRICTED"
AV: Avery Special Collections. These are used for Avery Architecture and Fine Arts special collections. Deliverable only to Avery Classics; non-circulating. AV barcodes have brown stripe and text reads: "COLUMBIA LIBRARIES OFFSITE | AVERY RESTRICTED X"
BS: Business Special. These are used for collections of company reports and loose issues in boxes or envelopes deliverable only to Business; non-circulating. BS barcodes have blue stripe and text reads: "COLUMBIA LIBRARIES OFFSITE | BUSINESS SPECIAL"
CM: Preservation Master Negatives. Used for microfilm master negatives in cold storage and deliverable only to Columbia Preservation Division; non-circulating. **School of the Arts films accessioned as customer code RS, deliverable only to RBML; non-circulating. CM barcodes have green stripe and text reads: "COLUMBIA LIBRARIES OFFSITE | MASTER NEGATIVE"
CR: Columbia Restricted. Used for all loose issues of serials in boxes and envelopes; Engineering microfiche boxes; Geology items with pockets of maps; Lehman serials and unbound, boxed foreign language newspapers; Social Work masters theses; select Burke and East Asian Library collections; selected Butler national censuses [location is off,les]; boxes of loose serials issues from the Butler and Engineering collections housed in the Annex. CR items are deliverable to any Columbia campus library (not NYPL or Princeton); typically coded with Item Type "same" for same-day circulation (In-library use only). **The seven year Acquisitions payment records use the CR barcode and are deliverable only to MAS. **Burke Library (UTS) monographs published 1910-1940 use the CR barcode and are accessioned CU; circulating. CR barcodes have red stripe and text reads: "COLUMBIA LIBRARIES OFFSITE | RESTRICTED"
CU: The standard CU barcode is used for circulating, shared collections. These are used for all Columbia locations, deliverable to all departments; circulating. These barcodes were also used for CJK vernacular materials and accessioned with customer code EV. Customer code EV has identical access permissions as CU and is considered obsolete. CU barcodes have no color coded markings and text reads: "COLUMBIA LIBRARIES OFFSITE"
CU5/CU6/CU7: Smart Barcode. The CU5 and CU6 smart barcodes have standard CU customer code. They are used for targeted transfers of single-volume monographs and have call number and title information printed on the barcode. CU5/CU6/CU7 have no color coded markings and text reads: "COLUMBIA LIBRARIES OFFSITE"
CU8: These are standard CU materials lacking bibliographic records, transferred to ReCAP from various locations; boxes of unprocessed materials, typically gifts. These do not have bibliographic records. CU8 have gray stripe and text reads: "COLUMBIA LIBRARIES OFFSITE"
CU9: Double-backed CU client barcodes. These are used for first-time bindings and for hardcover items selected for ReCAP but temporarily staged in the Precat backlog. CU9 have no color coded markings and text reads: "COLUMBIA LIBRARIES OFFSITE"
CV: Butler Media, Movie Place and Kim's DVDs. Deliverable only to BMC; non-circulating. CV barcodes have ochre-yellow stripe and text reads "COLUMBIA LIBRARIES OFFSITE | BUTLER MEDIA"
EA: East Asian Special Collections. Used for archival boxes and select special collections from the Starr East Asian Library. EA materials are deliverable only to East Asian; non-circulating. EA barcodes have an olive stripe and text reads: "COLUMBIA LIBRARIES OFFSITE | EAST ASIAN RESTRICTED"
HR: Health Science Restricted. These are used for Health Sciences Library serials. HR materials are deliverable only to the HSL; non-circulating. HR barcodes have aquamarine stripe and text reads: "COLUMBIA LIBRARIES OFFSITE | HEALTH SCIENCES RESTRICTED"
HS: Health Sciences Unrestricted. These are used for monographs and multi-volume sets. These are deliverable to all Columbia locations; circulating. HS barcodes have no color coded markings and text reads "COLUMBIA LIBRARIES OFFSITE"
HX: Health Science Special Collections. Used for rare books and archival boxes from the Health Sciences Library. HX materials are deliverable to the HSL; non-circulating. HX barcodes have khaki stripe and text reads: "COLUMBIA LIBRARIES OFFSITE | HEALTH SCIENCES STANDARD"
MR: Music Library Restricted. Used for musical scores and recordings. Deliverable only to the Music library. MR barcodes have purple stripe and text reads: "COLUMBIA LIBRARIES OFFSITE | MUSIC-ARTS SPECIAL"
OH: Oral History. Used for Oral History archival boxes. Deliverable only to Oral History in Butler. OH barcodes have goldenrod stripe and text reads: "COLUMBIA LIBRARIES OFFSITE | ORAL HISTORY"
RH: Human Rights Watch Archives. Used for processed HRW archival materials in boxes. Deliverable only to the RBML and Lehman Suite; non-circulating. RH barcodes have orange stripe and text reads: "COLUMBIA LIBRARIES OFFSITE | HUMAN RIGHTS STANDARD"
RS: Restricted Special Collections (RBML). Used for rare books, Columbia dissertations and RBML archival boxes. Deliverable only to RBML and Lehman Suite; non-circulating. RS barcodes have blue colored stripe and text reads: "COLUMBIA LIBRARIES OFFSITE | RBML STANDARD"
UA: University Archives. These are used for all University Archives collections. Deliverable only to RBML and Lehman Suite; non-circulating. UA barcodes have light blue stripe and text reads: "COLUMBIA LIBRARIES OFFSITE | UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES RESTRICTED"
UT: Burke Library (UTS) Restricted. These are used for all material types in Burke Library special collections. Deliverable only to Burke Library (UTS); non-circulating. These barcodes have yellow stripe and barcode text reads: "COLUMBIA LIBRARIES OFFSITE | BURKE RESTRICTED"
100 Series (without any letter prefix) : The first series of offsite barcodes used by Columbia (e.g. RLIN REC3 backlog). These are standard CU customer code barcodes except when used for Columbiana dissertations that have the RS customer code or for Serial Set documents that have the CR customer code. They have no color coded markings and the barcode text reads: "COLUMBIA LIBRARIES OFFSITE"

Color coding and duplicates/triplicates: For color coded barcodes, the text "COLUMBIA LIBRARIES OFFSITE" is written directly on the colored stripe. Many barcode varieties have duplicates or triplicates with the identical barcode number. Duplicate and triplicate barcodes do not have the color coding of the primary barcode. Similarly, barcodes replicated during physical processing by BSP will not retain the color coded stripe. [BSP barcode duplicator is Zebra Link ZM4Plus]

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last updated on 3 March 2011 /{cls}