Cataloging Practices Manual [CPM-509]


MFHD Procedures

Library of Congress (LC) call numbers in 050 and 090 fields of bibliographic records are examined and verified as part of routine copy cataloging and processing. There are several categories of call numbers which are either unusable or represent materials requiring special processing. These categories are:

  1. Call numbers in class "M"

    These call numbers usually represent music scores even if they are published in a book format. They should be routed to the Music cataloger in OSMC regardless whether they are selected for location "mus" or "mus4off".

  2. Call numbers with volume number instead of a date at the end of the call number

    These call numbers usually represent an analyzed set or serial, especially if they occur on a DLC record. If the T2 doesn.t indicate that the item is part of an analyzed set or serial (i.e. "Analytic" is not circled on the T2), the series in the record needs to be carefully searched and a record determining its treatment has to be found. If there are any questions of how a particular series is treated and whether the item in hand is part of an analyzed set or a serial, ask a supervisor.

  3. PZ3 and PZ4 class numbers

    Do not use PZ3 and PZ4 class numbers. Use appropriate call numbers in PR or PS class or consult a supervisor.

  4. Call numbers in N-NK range

    Materials selected for locations "glx" and "glx4off" with call numbers in the N-NK range should be routed to FAVE.

  5. Canadian call numbers

    The National Library of Canada (NLC) uses the Library of Congress classification in a 055 field. One major difference between NLC numbers and numbers created by other (non-Canadian) cataloging agencies is that they don't add a decimal point in front of the first cutter, therefore, besides checking the cuttering and adding the "g" to the date, a decimal point needs to be added before the cutter.


    In an NLC bib record:
    055:00: HQ1355 $b H56 2000

    Entered into CLIO as:
    852:00:$b leh $h HQ1355 $i .H56 2000g

    There are two exceptions to the NLC call numbers which are NOT usable: Canadian history in the FC class, and Canadian literature in PS8001-8599. The Library of Congress classes books about Canadian history within the F class and Canadian literature within the PR class.

    If an NLC record (or any other Canadian cataloging agency) for a book classed in either FC or PS8001-8599, look at the title page verso for a PR or F call number. Often NLC will add an American LC call number to the CIP inside the book or the book will have a CIP created by LC. If there is no LC call number on the t.p. verso, check OCLC for a call number from an institution in the United States. If still there is no usable LC call number to be found, put the book on the shelf for call number assignment.

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Last updated: 09/27/11 ink