Cataloging Practices Manual [CPM-508]


MFHD Procedures


Items selected for GLX or Offsite (GLX4OFF) on approval or standing order may be more appropriate for Avery. If a book selected for GLX or GLX4OFF has a class number in the N-NK range, it may need to be processed for Avery or Fine Arts. Books selected for locations other than GLX, e.g., LEH, MIL that fall into this class number range should be cataloged for the location on the T2 rider. Firm order materials should be processed for the location on the T2 and in the holdings record written on the CCN line regardless of the LC class number.

Note: In some cases the selector may decide not to add a rerouted book to Avery or FAX. In that case, FAVE staff will catalog the book for GLX or GLX4OFF using appropriate barcodes and LC call number.


  1. Carefully examine the T2 rider. If the item is a firm order, e.g. has holdings ID on the T2 and glx location in the holdings, process for GLX even when the classification is in the N-NK range. In case of doubt, consult a supervisor.

  2. If Avery/Fine Arts already has a copy, process the item as a duplicate unless T2 indicates that the item is wanted regardless of duplication or if new to GLX. If the item is wanted regardless of duplication or is new to GLX and there is a copy at Avery, process for GLX.

  3. If a book is an approval or standing order and it would be assigned a classification number in the N-NK range, change the location on the T2 and in the holdings and item records from glx to fax. Avery staff are responsible for deciding whether a particular book should be cataloged for Fine Arts or Avery. If book being tracked is coming out of Precat, remember to remove temporary location and item type from the item record.

  4. Track the item to FAVE, if it is not a duplicate.

  5. If a GLX or GLX4OFF monographic continuation or serial is already cataloged in class N-NK and a new volume is received for adding, add as GLX or GLX4OFF as appropriate.

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Last updated: 11/27/2017 mdw