Abbreviations [Form subdivision]
sa Acronyms
- Use under topical headings for works containing lists of abbreviations pertaining to the
Abbreviations of titles [Form subdivision]
sa Periodicals--Abbreviations of titles
- Use under types of periodicals, e.g. English periodicals--Abbreviations of titles
Ability testing (May Subd Geog)
sa Testing under phrase headings for types of ability
- Use under topical headings
Abstracting and indexing (May Subd Geog) (H 1205; H 1670)
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc., names of individual persons and corporate
bodies, and under topical headings for works on how to prepare abstracts or indexes of
publications about the subject.
- Also use under types of publications for works on preparing
abstracts or indexes of those types of publications
Abstracts (H 1205) [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc., names of individual persons and corporate
bodies, and under topical headings for works that list publications on the subject and provide full
bibliographical information together with substantive summaries or conden
sations of the facts,
ideas, or opinions presented in each publication listed. - Also use under types of publications for
works that summarize the contents of those publications
Accidents (May Subd Geog)
sa Wounds and injuries under classes of persons,
ethnic groups, individual animals and groups of animals, individual plants and
groups of plants, and individual organs and regions of the body
- Use under topical headings
Accidents--Investigation (May Subd Geog)
- Use under topical headings
Accounting (H 1624)
- Use under names of individual corporate bodies and under topical headings
Accreditation (May Subd Geog)
sa Study and teaching under subjects
for the accreditation of programs of study in those subjects; Certification; Licenses
- Use under names of individual institutions, educational institutions, and services and
under types of institutions, educational institutions, and services
Acronyms (H 1206.5) [Form subdivision]
sa Abbreviations
- Use under individual languages other than English, groups of languages, and topical
headings for works about and/or lists of acronyms in those languages or pertaining to those
sa Management; Politics and government under names of
countries, cities, etc., and under ethnic groups
- Use under names of individual institutions and under types of institutions, especially
libraries, health and social services, etc
Aerial photographs (H 1210.5) [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc., and under topical headings for discussions or
collections of aerial photographs, including collections of reproductions, of a place or topic
Air conditioning (May Subd Geog)
- Use under types of buildings, vehicles, and other constructions
Air conditioning--Control (May Subd Geog)
sa Control (May Subd Geog)
- Use under types of buildings, vehicles, and other constructions
Amateurs' manuals (H 1943.5) [Form subdivision]
sa Handbooks, manuals, etc.
- Use under technical topics for works of instruction for nonprofessionals on how to
acquire a skill or perform an operation
sa Composition
- Use under substances and chemicals for works on methods of analyzing those items or
analyzing a sample to determine the presence or quantity of the items, and for works presenting
the results of analyses of substances not produced naturally
Anecdotes [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc., names of individual persons and corporate bodies, uniform titles of sacred works, and under topical headings.
Anniversaries, etc
sa Centennial celebrations, etc
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc., names of individual persons and corporate
bodies, and under historic and social movements, historic events, classes of persons, and
ethnic groups for works on the anniversary celebration itself. Do not use for works merely
published on the occasion of an anniversary
Antiquities--Collection and preservation
sa Collection and preservation
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc., and ethnic groups
Appropriations and expenditures
sa Finance
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc., and individual
government agencies
Archival resources (H 1230)
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc., and under topical headings for brief
descriptions of the types of documents and historical records about a particular place or topic
available in an institution or institutions
Archives (H 1230) [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of individual persons, corporate bodies, educational institutions, and
families, and under types of corporate bodies and educational institutions, classes of persons,
and ethnic groups for collections of documents or historical records, including notes,
correspondence, minutes, photographs, legal papers, etc.
Art (H 1250) [Form subdivision]
sa Portraits under names of individual persons who lived after 1400
and individual families, and under classes of persons, ethnic groups, and individual wars; Pictorial works
See also headings of the type [place] in art and [topic] in art.
- Use under names of individual persons who lived before 1400, names of deities and
legendary figures, and under headings of the type [topic]--[subdivision]
Atlases (H 1935) [Form subdivision]
- Use under scientific and technical topics for works consisting of comprehensive, often
systematically arranged collections of illustrative plates, charts, etc., usually with explanatory
Audio-visual aids (H 2110)
sa Study and teaching--Audio-visual aids
- Use under topical headings for works on audiovisual materials not specifically designed
for educational purposes
Audio-visual aids--Catalogs (H 1361) [Form subdivision]
sa Catalogs
- Use under topical headings for catalogs of audiovisual materials
Audiotape catalogs (H 1361) [Form subdivision]
sa Discography; Catalogs
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc., names of individual persons and corporate
bodies, and under topical headings for lists or catalogs of sound recordings on audiotapes
Auditing (H 1624)
- Use under names of individual corporate bodies and under topical headings
- Use under names of individual persons and individual works entered under title, and
under disciplines and literary forms
Automatic control
- Use under individual technical processes and equipment
sa Effect of automation on under occupational groups and types of employees
- Use under names of individual corporate bodies and under types of industries, factories,
processes, systems, and organizations
Autonomous communities (H 713)
- Use under headings of the type [topic]--Spain for works discussing collectively the
autonomous communites of Spain in relation to the topic, e.g. Law--Spain-- Autonomous
Awards (May Subd Geog) (H 1265)
- Use under names of individual persons, corporate bodies, and military services, and
under topical headings.
- This subdivision may be further subdivided by place only under topical
Biblical teaching (H 1295)
- Use under religious or secular topics
for works on the theological and/or ethical teachings of the Bible, or its individual parts, on that
Bibliography (H 1322; H 1325; H1670) [Form subdivision]
sa Imprints under names of
countries, cities, etc.; Maps--Bibliography; Periodicals--Bibliography
Bibliography--Catalogs (H 1361) [Form subdivision]
sa Catalogs
Bibliography--Early [Form subdivision]
- Use under subjects for bibliographies issued before 1800
Bibliography--Exhibitions (H 1593) [Form subdivision]
sa Exhibitions
sa Methodology
Bibliography--Microform catalogs (H1361; H1965) [Form subdivision]
sa Microform catalogs
- Use under subjects for catalogs that list works stored in microform editions
Bibliography--Union lists (H1361) [Form subdivision]
sa Union
- Use under subjects for catalogs of materials on those subjects held by two or more libraries
Bio-bibliography (H 1328) [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of countries,
cities, etc., and under topical headings
Biography (H 1330; H 1720; H 1845) [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of
countries, cities, etc., names of individual literary authors and corporate bodies, uniform titles of
sacred works, and under classes of persons, ethnic groups, individual and groups of animals,
and historic events
Biography--Dictionaries [Form subdivision]
sa Dictionaries
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc., names of
individual corporate bodies, and under classes of persons, ethnic groups, and
historic events
Biography--History and criticism
sa History and criticism
- Use under names of
countries, cities, etc., names of individual corporate bodies, and under classes of persons,
ethnic groups, and historic events
Book reviews (H 2021) [Form subdivision]
sa Reviews
- Use under names of
countries, cities, etc., and under topical headings for collections of appraisals of books on those
places or topics
sa Buildings, structures, etc. under names of
- Use under names of individual exhibitions and corporate bodies
Buildings--Conservation and restoration
sa Conservation and restoration
Buildings--Guidebooks (H 1645) [Form subdivision]
sa Guidebooks
Buildings, structures, etc.
sa Buildings
- Use under names of cities
By-laws [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of individual corporate bodies and
under types of corporate bodies
- Use under types of industries and processes
Calendars [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc., and
individual corporate bodies, and under topical headings for works which list recurring or coming
events held in those places, by those organizations, or relating to those topics
- Use under types of scientific and technical
instruments and equipment
Cantons (H 713)
- Use under headings of the type [topic]--[country] for works
discussing collectively the cantons of a country in relation to the topic, e.g. Transportation--
Switzerland-- Cantons
Caricatures and cartoons [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of individual
persons, families, and corporate bodies, and under classes of persons, ethnic groups, individual
wars, and topical headings for collections or discussions of caricatures or pictorial humor about
those subjects
Case studies (H 1350) [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of countries, cities,
etc., and individual corporate bodies, and under topical headings
Catalogs (H 1360; H 1361) [Form subdivision]
sa Audiotape catalogs; CD-ROM catalogs; Compact disc
catalogs; Data tape catalogs; Discography; Film catalogs; Microform catalogs; Video
catalogs; Manuscripts--Catalogs; Periodicals--Bibliography--Catalogs; Audio-visual aids--Catalogs
- Use under types of objects, including types of merchandise, art objects, products,
publications, collectors' items, technical equipment, etc., for listings of those objects that have
been produced, that are available or located at particular places, or that occur on a particular
market, often systematically arranged with descriptive details, prices, etc., accompanying each
- Use --Catalogs under the heading Excavations (Archaeology) as well as under headings
for individual archaeological sites for works listing objects found.
- Use --Catalogs under names
of individual corporate bodies and types of organizations for works listing objects, art works,
products, etc., produced by, located in, or available from those organizations.
- Also use --Catalogs under names of individual artists, craftspersons, and corporate bodies for works listing
their art works or crafts which are available or located in particular institutions or places
Catalogs and collections (May Subd Geog) (H 1360; H 1427) [Form subdivision]
Use under types of natural objects and musical instruments
CD-ROM catalogs [Form subdivision]
sa Catalogs
- Use under topical headings
Censorship (May Subd Geog)
- Use under names of individual
literary authors and under individual literatures, wars, and topical headings, especially forms of
Centennial celebrations, etc
sa Anniversaries, etc.
- Use under names of countries,
cities, etc., and individual corporate bodies, and under historic events
Certification (May Subd Geog)
sa Accreditation; Licenses
- Use
under types of products and industries, occupational groups, and types of employees for works
on official confirmation that standards have been met
Charitable contributions (May Subd Geog)
- Use
under classes of persons, ethnic groups, and types of organizations
Charts, diagrams, etc [Form subdivision]
- Use under topical headings for works
consisting of miscellaneous charts or diagrams illustrating those topics
Chronology (H 1367) [Form subdivision]
sa History--Chronology
- Use under
names of individual persons, uniform titles of sacred works, headings not
divided by --History, such as art, music, and literature headings, and topical headings that are
inherently historical
Citizen participation (H 1942)
- Use under topical headings for
works on the participation of citizens in carrying out an activity
Classification [Form subdivision]
- Use under classes of persons and topical
- Use under topical headings
Code numbers [Form subdivision]
- Use under topical headings for works consisting
of lists of code numbers
Code words [Form subdivision]
- Use under topical headings for works consisting of
lists of code words
Cold weather conditions
- Use under types of installations,
construction activities, and technical processes for works on procedures to be followed during
cold weather conditions
Collectibles (May Subd Geog)
- Use under names of individual
persons, corporate bodies, titles of works, and fictitious and legendary characters, and under
classes of persons, ethnic groups, events, and topical headings
Collection and preservation
sa Antiquities--Collection and preservation under names of countries, cities, etc., and ethnic groups
- Use under types of natural objects, including plants, animals, rocks, and minerals,
for works on methods of collecting and preserving those objects
Collectors and collecting (May Subd Geog)
- Use under types of
objects, excluding natural objects, for works on collectors and methods of assembling and
maintaining collections of those objects
Colonies (H 1149.5)
- Use under headings of the type [topic]--
[place] for works discussing collectively the colonies of a place in relation to the topic, e.g.
Education--Great Britain--Colonies.
- Also use under names of countries, cities, etc., for works
discussing collectively the colonies ruled by the country or city
Comic books, strips, etc. [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of individual
persons, uniform titles of sacred works, and under topical headings
Communication systems
- Use under names of individual
corporate bodies and under types of industries, institutions, installations, military services, and
Compact disc catalogs (H 1361) [Form subdivision]
sa Catalogs
- Use under names of countries,
cities, etc., names of individual persons and corporate bodies, and topical headings
Comparative method
- Use under disciplines for works on
methods of comparing data relevant to the field
Comparative studies [Form subdivision]
- Use under uniform titles of sacred works
and under religious topics
Competitions (May Subd Geog)
- Use under topical headings
sa Analysis
- Use under natural substances of
unfixed composition, including soils, plants, animals, farm products, etc., for the results of
chemical analyses of those substances
Computer-assisted instruction
- Use under topical headings for
works on an automated method of instruction in which a student interacts directly with
instructional materials stored in a computer
Computer network resources
Computer programs (H 2070)
sa Software
- Use under topical
headings for works on computer programs, whether or not lists of machine instructions are
Computer simulation (H 2040)
- Use under topical headings
Concordances (H 1670) [Form subdivision]
sa Indexes
- Use under names of individual
persons, individual works (author-title or title entries), and uniform titles of sacred works, and
under individual literatures and literary forms
Congresses (H 1460) [Form subdivision]
Conservation and restoration
sa Buildings--Conservation and restoration
- Use under types
of art objects, library materials, types of architecture, etc., for works on preserving and restoring
those items.
- This subdivision may be further subdivided by place only in the case of art objects
Control (May Subd Geog)
sa Heating and ventilation--Control (May Subd Geog)
- Use under individual
and groups of animals, plants and crops, and pests
Controversial literature (H 1472) [Form subdivision]
- Use under religious and philosophical topics
for works that argue against or express opposition to a doctrine, belief, practice, school of
thought, etc
Cooling (May Subd Geog)
- Use under topical headings
Corrosion (May Subd Geog)
- Use under types of materials,
metals and metal compounds, equipment, and vehicles
Corrupt practices (May Subd Geog)
- Use under names of
individual corporate bodies, and under types of industries, organizations, and activities
- This subdivision may be further divided by place only under types of organizations, activities, and industries.
Cost control
- Use under topical headings
Cost effectiveness
- Use under topical headings
Cost of operation
- Use under topical headings
- Use under topical headings
Cross-cultural studies (H 1510) [Form subdivision]
- Use under topical headings for works
which report the results of cross-cultural studies on those topics or discuss the methods and
techniques of conducting such studies
Cult (May Subd Geog)
- Use under individual deities, divine
persons, saints, and persons worshipped
Curricula [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of individual educational
institutions and under types of education and educational institutions for listings of courses
offered, or discussions about them
Customer services (May Subd Geog)
- Use under names of individual educational institutions and under types of education and educational institutions for listings of courses offered, or discussions about them.
- This subdivision may be further subdivided by place only under types of organizations and industries.
Data processing
- Use under names of individual corporate bodies
and under topical headings
Data tape catalogs [Form subdivision]
sa Catalogs
Databases [Form subdivision]
- Use under subjects as a form subdivision for actual databases or as a topical subdivision for works on databases on those subjects.
- Use under types of objects for the techniques of fixing the date of their
Decision making
- Use under topical headings for works on the
process of arriving at decisions for action, including attempts to formulate a general theory
based on mathematical analysis and psychological experiment
Defects (May Subd Geog)
- Use under types of materials, equipment, structures,
products, etc., in which defects may exist
Defects--Reporting (May Subd Geog)
- Use under types of
materials, equipment, structures, products, etc
Defense measures (May Subd Geog)
- Use under types of industries, utilities,
installations, etc., for measures undertaken for their protection during times of conflict
Departments (H 713)
- Use under headings of the type [topic]--[country] for
works discussing collectively the departments of a country in relation to the topic, e.g. Budget--
Design (H 1532)
- Use under topical headings where --Design
and construction would not be appropriate
Design and construction (H 1532)
- Use under
individual examinations and types of examinations;
- Also use under types of structures,
machines, equipment, etc., for works discussing their engineering and construction
Designs and plans (H 1532) [Form subdivision]
- Use under architectural headings,
including types of buildings and rooms, and under landscape headings, including types of
gardens and parks, for works containing architectural drawings
- Use under types of substances, materials,
products, etc
Dictionaries (H 1540) [Form subdivision]
sa Encyclopedias; Biography--Dictionaries
Dictionaries--French, [Italian, etc.] (H 1540) [Form subdivision]
Dictionaries--Polyglot (H 1540) [Form subdivision]
Dictionaries, Juvenile (H 1690) [Form subdivision]
Directories (H 1558) [Form subdivision]
sa Registers; Telephone directories
- Use
under names of countries, cities, etc., individual corporate bodies and families, and under
classes of persons, ethnic groups, Christian denominations, types of organizations, and topical
headings for individual directories containing names, addresses, and other identifying data
- Use under names of individual corporate bodies and
under types of corporate bodies, classes of persons, individual religions, and Christian
denominations for the enforcement of rules affecting conduct or action
Discography (H 1361) [Form subdivision]
sa Audiotape catalogs; Catalogs
- Use under
names of individual literary authors, composers, and performers, and under topical headings for
lists or catalogs of sound recordings
Documentation (May Subd Geog)
- Use under topical headings
for works on the processes by which documents on those topics are made available
Drama (H 1780) [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc.,
names of individual persons and corporate bodies, and under classes of persons, ethnic groups,
individual wars, and topical headings for collections of plays or individual plays on those
Drawings [Form subdivision]
- Use under technical topics for collections of
drawings, plans, etc., and for the technique of making such drawings, unless a separate
heading for the technique has been provided
Drying (May Subd Geog)
- Use under individual materials, products, and objects
Dust control (May Subd Geog)
- Use under types of industries,
industrial plants, and processes
Early works to 1800 (H 1576) [Form subdivision]
sa Maps--Early works to 1800
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc., and
appropriate topical headings to designate individual works written or issued before 1800
Econometric models (H 2040)
- Use under topical headings for
works which employ mathematical or statistical models used to test or measure economic
Economic aspects (May Subd Geog)
sa Economic conditions
under names of countries, cities, etc., and under classes of persons and ethnic groups,
including occupational groups, for works discussing the economic history or economic
conditions in general of a place, class of persons, or ethnic group
- Use under topical
Economic conditions
sa Economic aspects (May Subd Geog)
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc., and under classes of persons and ethnic groups,
including occupational groups, for works discussing the economic history or economic
conditions in general of a place, class of persons, or ethnic group
sa Study and teaching (May Subd Geog)
- Use under names of individual religious and monastic orders, classes of persons, ethnic groups, and Christian denominations
Effect of automation on
sa Automation
- Use under occupational groups and types of employees
Electromechanical analogies (H 2040)
- Use under scientific
and technical topics
sa Officials and employees
- Use under names of
individual nongovernmental corporate bodies and under types of industries, services,
establishments, and institutions
Encyclopedias (H1540) [Form subdivision]
sa Dictionaries
Encyclopedias, Juvenile (H1540) [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of individual corporate bodies
and under types of corporate bodies and disciplines
Energy conservation (May Subd Geog)
- Use under types of industries, facilities,
Energy consumption (May Subd Geog)
- Use under topical headings
Environmental aspects (May Subd
sa Environmental conditions under names of countries, cities, etc
- Use under
individual military services and wars, and under types of industries, processes, machines,
facilities, constructions, and chemicals for environmental problems associated with their
operation, creation, or use, and under individual environmental pollutants
Environmental conditions
sa Environmental aspects (May Subd
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc
Equipment and supplies
sa Instruments; Safety appliances
Use under names of individual corporate bodies and under types of industries, processes,
services, activities, institutions, disciplines, domestic animals, plants and crops, vehicles, and
Estimates (May Subd Geog)
- Use under types of engineering,
technical processes, industries, etc., for estimates of the cost of construction, installation, etc.,
or the carrying out of a task to completion
Evaluation (H 1591)
sa Testing; Rating of under classes of
- Use under names of individual corporate bodies and under types of institutions,
products, services, equipment, activities, projects, and programs for works on methods of
assessing or appraising those subjects, or for works on both the methods and results of
assessing them
- Use under names of individual corporate
bodies, educational institutions, and military services and under types of educational institutions,
classes of persons, and topical headings for works discussing examinations given by those
organizations, for those groups, or about those topics
Examinations--Study guides [Form subdivision]
sa Study guides
Examinations, questions, etc
sa Problems, exercises, etc
Use under classes of persons, ethnic groups, and topical headings for compilations of questions
and answers for examinations for those groups or about those topics
Exhibitions (H 1593) [Form subdivision]
sa Bibliography--Exhibitions
- Use under scientific and technical topics for
discussions about experiments and instructions for carrying them out
Facsimiles (H 1595) [Form subdivision]
sa Manuscripts--Facsimiles; Maps--Facsimiles
- Use under types of printed materials, documents, etc
Fiction [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc., names of individual persons and corporate bodies, and under classes of persons, ethnic groups, individual wars, and topical headings for collections of stories or novels on those topics.
- Also use under names of individual persons and historic events for individual works of biographical or historical fiction, and under animals for individual stories about animals.
Field work
- Use under disciplines for discussions of the
techniques of carrying out work in the field to gain practical experience through firsthand
Film catalogs(H 1361)
sa Catalogs
Finance (H 1624)
sa Appropriations and expenditures under
names of countries, cities, etc., and individual government agencies; Finance, Personal under
names of individual persons and under classes of persons and ethnic groups
- Use under
names of individual nongovernmental corporate bodies and under types of industries, services,
technical operations, etc., for works on the raising and expenditure of funds.
- Use under names
of individual government bodies only for works on their management of nonappropriated funds
Finance, Personal
sa Finance
- Use under
names of individual persons and under classes of persons and ethnic groups
Fires and fire prevention (May Subd Geog)
- Use under types of institutions,
buildings, industries, and vehicles
Folklore (H 1627; H 1720) [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of countries,
cities, etc., and under classes of persons, ethnic groups, and topical headings for works
discussing those topics as themes in folklore and for collections of folklore texts on those
Food service
- Use under types of institutions, organized
activities, etc., for provisions for meals and food in those enterprises
Forecasting (H 1628)
- Use under names of countries, cities,
etc., and under topical headings
Foreign influences (H 1675)
- Use under headings for civilizations of places, or
particular aspects of those civilizations, including art forms, literary forms, philosophies,
intellectual life, etc., under ethnic groups, and under disciplines when further subdivided by
place for works discussing general outside cultural influences on those civilizations, groups, or
Forgeries (May Subd Geog)
- Use under names of individual
persons and under types of art objects, documents, etc
Forms [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of individual corporate bodies, and
under topical headings for works consisting of, or containing, substantial numbers of blank
Fume control (May Subd Geog)
- Use under types of industries,
industrial plants, and processes
Government policy (May Subd Geog) (H 1642)
sa Prices--Government policy (May Subd Geog)
See also headings of the type [topic] and state and [topic] policy.
- Use under
classes of persons, ethnic groups, and topical headings not inherently governmental
Grading (May Subd Geog)
- Use under individual commodities
Graphic methods
- Use under disciplines, types of technical
processes, scientific phen omena, etc., for the technique of solving problems by means of
Guidebooks (H 1645) [Form subdivision]
sa Buildings--Guidebooks; Guidelines for Using the Heading Guidebooks
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc., individual corporate bodies and parks, etc., and certain topical headings
Handbooks, manuals, etc. [Form subdivision]
sa Amateurs' manuals; Laboratory manuals; Observers' manuals
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc., individual
corporate bodies and parks, etc., and certain topical headings
Health aspects (May
Subd Geog)
- Use under topical headings
Heating and ventilation (May Subd Geog)
- Use
under types of buildings, vehicles, and other constructions
Heating and ventilation--Control (May Subd Geog)
sa Control
- Use under
types of buildings, vehicles, and other constructions
- Use under names of individual corporate bodies,
types of industries, and topical headings for the devising, granting, and use of armorial insignia
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc., and
individual corporate bodies, uniform titles of sacred works, and under classes of persons, ethnic
groups, and topical headings
History (H 1647; H 1845)
sa Subdivisions not Further Subdivided by --History
- Use under names of countries,
cities, etc., and individual corporate bodies, uniform titles of sacred works, and under classes of
persons, ethnic groups, and topical headings
History--16th century (H 1647)
- Use under names of
individual corporate bodies and topical headings
History--17th century (H 1647)
- Use under names of
individual corporate bodies and topical headings
History--18th century (H 1647)
- Use under names of individual
corporate bodies and topical headings
History--19th century (H 1647)
- Use under names of individual
corporate bodies and topical headings
History--20th century (H 1647)
- Use under names of individual
corporate bodies and topical headings
History--Chronology (H 1367) [Form subdivision]
sa Chronology
- Use under
names of countries, cities, etc., and individual corporate bodies, and under ethnic groups,
and topical headings not inherently historical
sa Philosophy
- Use under names of countries, cities,
etc., and under topical headings
History--Sources (H 1647; H 2080) [Form subdivision]
sa Sources
- Use under
names of countries, cities, etc., and individual corporate bodies, and under classes of persons,
ethnic groups, and topical headings not inherently historical for collections or discussions of
contemporary writings such as legal documents, letters, diaries, family papers, etc., assembled
at a later time to serve as source materials for use by students, scholars, etc., in their research
on the subject
History and criticism (H 1647)
sa Biography--History and criticism; Prayer-books and devotions--History and criticism
- Use under literary, music, and
film form headings
History of doctrines
- Use under religious topics
History of doctrines--Early church, ca. 30-600
- Use under religious topics
History of doctrines--Middle Ages, 600-1500
- Use under religious topics
History of doctrines--16th century
- Use under religious topics
History of doctrines--17th century
- Use under religious topics
History of doctrines--18th century
- Use under religious topics
History of doctrines--19th century
- Use under religious topics
History of doctrines--20th century
- Use under religious topics
Hot weather conditions
sa Tropical conditions
- Use under
topical headings for works on procedures to be followed during hot weather conditions
Humor [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of countries, cities,
etc., names of individual persons and corporate bodies, uniform titles of sacred works, and
under topical headings
- Use under classes of persons and topical
- Also use under groups of animals and plants and types of objects as a topical or form
subdivision for works presenting the characteristics of a group for the purpose of determining the
names of its members
Illustrations (H 1659) [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of individual literary
authors, individual works (author-title or title entries), uniform titles of sacred works, and under
individual literatures, literary forms, and types of published materials
sa Bibliography
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc
In art
See: Guidelines for Assigning the Subdivision In art
In literature
See: Guidelines for Assigning the Subdivision In literature
Indexes (H 1670) [Form subdivision]
sa Concordances; Periodicals--Indexes; Manuscripts--Indexes
Industrial applications
- Use under scientific phenomena,
individual chemicals, and individual plants and groups of plants
Influence (H 1675)
- Use under
names of individual persons and corporate bodies, uniform titles of sacred works, and under
particular forms and movements in art or the arts, types of organizations, religions, and
individual wars for works discussing their influence
Information services (H 1675.5)
- Use under names of countries,
cities, etc., names of individual persons, corporate bodies, and military services, and under
topical headings
- Use under names of individual corporate bodies and
military services and under types of corporate bodies
Inspection (May Subd Geog) (H 1676.5)
- Use under names of
individual military services, and under types of merchandise, products, equipment, engineering
structures, and buildings, and individual and groups of plants and domestic animals
Instruction and study
sa Study and teaching (May Subd Geog)
sa Equipment and supplies
- Use under scientific and technical disciplines for
discussions of the instruments employed in those fields
Interactive multimedia [Form subdivision]
International cooperation
- Use under topical headings
- Use under individual tests and types of tests
Inventories [Form subdivision]
- Use under types of industries, institutions, and
topical headings
Job descriptions (May Subd Geog) [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of
individual corporate bodies and military services, and under types of industries and occupational
- This subdivision may be further subdivided by place only under types of industries and
occupational groups
Juvenile drama (H 1690) [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of countries,
cities, etc., names of individual persons and corporate bodies, and under classes of persons,
ethnic groups, and topical headings
Juvenile fiction (H 1690) [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of countries,
cities, etc., names of individual persons and corporate bodies, and under classes of persons,
ethnic groups, and topical headings
Juvenile films (H 1690) [Form subdivision]
Juvenile humor (H 1690) [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of countries,
cities, etc., names of individual persons and corporate bodies, and under classes of persons,
ethnic groups, and topical headings
Juvenile literature (H 1690) [Form subdivision]
Juvenile poetry (H 1690) [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of countries, cities,
etc., names of individual persons and corporate bodies, and under classes of persons, ethnic
groups, and topical headings
Juvenile software (H 2070) [Form subdivision]
- Use under topical headings for
actual software items, i.e., machine-readable editions
Juvenile sound recordings (H 1690) [Form subdivision]
Labeling (May Subd Geog)
- Use under types of products
Labor productivity (May Subd Geog)
- Use under types of
industries, occupations, and processes
Laboratory manuals (H 1646) [Form subdivision]
sa Handbooks, manuals, etc.
- Use under scientific and technical
topics for workbooks containing concise background information and directions for performing
work, including experiments, in the laboratory
sa Languages under names of countries, cities, etc.,
and under ethnic groups; Slang under individual languages and groups of languages and under
topical headings
- Use under names of individual persons and corporate bodies, individual
works entered under title, and under classes of persons, disciplines, and types of newspapers
sa Language
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc.,
and under ethnic groups
Legends (H 1627; H 1795) [Form subdivision]
sa Romances
- Use under names
of individual persons and legendary characters and under religious topics for collected or
individual literary versions of legendary tales about those persons, characters, or topics
- Use under individual and groups of languages,
and under disciplines
Library resources
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc.,
names of individual persons and corporate bodies, and under classes of persons, ethnic groups,
and topical headings for works describing the resources and special collections available on
those subjects
Licenses (May Subd Geog)
sa Accreditation; Certification
Use under types of industries and occupational groups
Lighting (May Subd Geog)
- Use under types of vehicles, structures, buildings,
rooms, installations, etc
Linear programming
- Use under topical headings
Literary collections [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc.,
names of individual persons and corporate bodies, and under classes of persons, ethnic groups,
individual wars, and topical headings for collections including several literary forms
- Use under types of industries, business entities, government agencies, and facilities
Longitudinal studies (H 1848) [Form subdivision]
- Use under classes of persons,
ethnic groups, and topical headings
Maintenance and repair
sa Repairing
- Use
under types of objects, including machinery, vehicles, structures, etc., requiring maintenance
and repair
sa Administration
- Use under names of
individual corporate bodies, including government agencies, galleries, museums, parks, etc.,
and under types of industries, industrial plants and processes, special activities, resources, etc
Manuscripts (H 1855)
- Use under names of individual literary
authors, individual works entered under title, uniform titles of sacred works, and under groups of
authors, literatures, and topical headings
Manuscripts--Catalogs (H 1855) [Form subdivision]
sa Catalogs
Manuscripts--Facsimiles (H 1595; H 1855) [Form subdivision]
sa Facsimiles
Manuscripts--Indexes [Form subdivision]
sa Indexes
Manuscripts--Microform catalogs (H 1361) [Form subdivision]
sa Microform catalogs
Maps (H 1865) [Form subdivision]
sa Remote sensing maps
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc., and
individual corporate bodies, and under topical headings for individual maps or collections of
Maps--Bibliography [Form subdivision]
sa Bibliography
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc.,
and individual corporate bodies, and under topical headings
Maps--Early works to 1800 (H 1576) [Form subdivision]
sa Early works to 1800
- Use under names of
countries, cities, etc., and under topical headings
Maps--Facsimiles (H 1595) [Form subdivision]
sa Facsimiles
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc., and
under topical headings
Maps--Symbols [Form subdivision]
- Use under topical headings
Maps, Comparative [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of countries, cities,
Maps, Manuscript [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc
Maps, Mental [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc
Maps, Outline and base [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of countries, cities,
Maps, Physical [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc
Maps, Pictorial [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc
Maps, Topographic [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of countries, cities,
Maps, Tourist [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc
Maps for children [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc.,
under individual corporate bodies, and under topical headings
Maps for the blind [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc
Maps for the visually handicapped [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of
countries, cities, etc
Marketing (H 1870)
- Use under types of commodities, products,
and services
- Use under scientific and technical disciplines and
under types of equipment and construction
Mathematical models (H 2040)
- Use under topical headings
- Use under topical headings for works on the
mathematics employed in those fields
- Use under scientific and technical topics for
works on the technique of making measurements
Medals (May Subd Geog)
- Use under names of individual
persons and corporate bodies, and under classes of persons, ethnic groups, individual wars, and topical headings.
- This subdivision may be further subdivided by place only under classes of persons, ethnic groups, individual wars, and topical headings
Medical examinations (May Subd Geog)
- Use under names of
individual military services and under classes of persons, ethnic groups, and topical headings for
which medical examinations are needed, such as insurance
Meditations [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of individual persons, uniform
titles of sacred works, and under religious topics for works containing collections of thoughts or
reflections on the spiritual significance of the person or topic
- Use under names of individual corporate bodies
and types of corporate bodies for works on the conditions of belonging to those organizations
sa Technique
- Use under disciplines for works
on both the theory and practice of procedures to be followed
Microform catalogs (H 1361; H 1965) [Form subdivision]
sa Bibliography--Microform catalogs; Catalogs; Manuscripts--Microform catalogs
- Use under names of individual institutions and collections for catalogs
that list works stored in those institutions or collections in microform editions
Miscellanea (H 1910) [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of countries, cities,
etc., names of individual persons and corporate bodies, and under classes of persons, ethnic
groups, and topical headings
Models (H 2040)
- Use under types of objects
- Use under types of farm produce, objects, technical
equipment, etc., for works on their moisture content
Moral and ethical aspects (H 1998)
sa Professional ethics under
occupational groups and types of employees
- Use under non-religious or non-ethical topics
for works that discuss moral and/or ethical questions regarding the topic
Museums (May Subd Geog) (H1916)
- Use under names of individual persons, families, and corporate bodies, and under ethnic groups, individual wars, and topical headings for which phrase headings for the type of museum have not been established.
- This subdivision may be further subdivided by place only under headings for names of individual persons and families, and ethnic groups, individual wars, and topical headings.
sa Songs and music
Name (H1919)
sa Names
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc., names of individual persons, deities, Christian denominations, and corporate bodies, and under ethnic groups and individual wars, events, etc., for works on the name's origin, history, spelling, validity, etc.
Names (H 1919)
sa Name
- Use under types of objects, domestic
animals, events, organizations, and educational institutions for the rules, customs, etc., in the
naming of those items
Newspapers (H 1920) [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc., ethnic groups of the United States, and topical headings as a form subdivision on newspapers for those places or groups or on those topics
- Use under topical headings
Nomenclature [Form subdivision]
- Use under scientific and technical disciplines
and types of substances, plants, and animals for systematically derived lists of names or
designations that have been formally adopted or sanctioned, or for discussions of the principles
involved in the creation and application of such names
Nomograms [Form subdivision]
- Use under topical headings
Notation [Form subdivision]
- Use under scientific and technical topics for works containing the
symbols, formulae, or signs employed in the field
Observations [Form subdivision]- Use under scientific topics for works consisting of
numerical data obtained by the observation of natural phenomena or for discussions on the
processing and use of those data
Observers' manuals [Form subdivision]
sa Handbooks, manuals, etc.
- Use under scientific topics for instruction books on making observations of natural phenomena
Officials and employees
sa Employees
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc., and individual international and governmental agencies, and under types
of government agencies.
- This subdivision may be further subdivided by place only when used
under names of countries, cities, etc
Outlines, syllabi, etc. [Form subdivision]
- Use under topical headings for brief
statements of the principal elements of a subject to be studied, usually arranged by headings
and subheadings
- Use under types of products and merchandise for
the techniques of wrapping, sealing, and labeling those items for marketing
- Use under types of products and commodities for the
techniques of preparing those items for storage or shipment
Papal documents [Form subdivision]
- Use under topical headings for collections
of documents and other papal pronouncements on the topic
Parodies, imitations, etc [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of individual
persons and individual works entered under title
Patents [Form subdivision]
- Use under disciplines and under types of articles and
processes patented
Periodicals (H 1927) [Form subdivision]
Periodicals--Abbreviations of titles [Form subdivision]
sa Abbreviations of titles
Periodicals--Bibliography [Form subdivision]
sa Bibliography
- Use under subjects for lists of
serials or periodicals on a subject
Periodicals--Bibliography--Catalogs (H 1361)
sa Catalogs
- Use under
subjects for lists of serials or periodicals held by one organization or library, assembled as a
private collection, or issued by an individual publisher
Periodicals--Bibliography--Union lists (H 1361) [Form subdivision]
sa Union lists
- Use under
subjects for catalogs of serials or periodicals on those subjects held by two or more libraries
Periodicals--Indexes (H 1670) [Form subdivision]
sa Indexes
Personal narratives (H 1928) [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of events and
Personnel management
- Use under names of individual
corporate bodies and under types of industries and organizations
Philosophy (H 1929)
sa History--Philosophy
- Use under names of individual persons
other than philosophers, and under topical headings
Photographs (H 1935)
- Use under classes of persons, ethnic
groups, and topical headings for works that consist of actual, i.e. not reproductions of,
Photographs from space [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of countries,
cities, etc., and under topical headings for collections of photographs taken from outer space
- Do not use for cartographic materials
sa Physiological aspects
- Use under
classes of persons, ethnic groups, individual and groups of animals and plants, and individual
organs and regions of the body
Physiological aspects
sa Physiology under
classes of persons, ethnic groups, individual and groups of animals and plants, and individual
organs and regions of the body
- Use under types of activities and mental conditions for
works on the relationship between an individual's activity, mental state, etc., and his
Physiological effect
- Use under individual
chemicals and groups of chemicals and under environmental phenomena or conditions for
works on their effect on the functions of living organisms
Pictorial works (H 1935) [Form subdivision]
sa Art; Portraits under names of individual
persons who lived after 1400, individual families, and under classes of persons, ethnic groups,
and individual wars
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc., individual persons, families,
and named entities, such as individual parks, structures, etc., and under classes of persons,
ethnic groups, individual wars, and topical headings
- Use under types of activities, facilities, industries,
services, undertakings, etc
Poetry (H 1800) [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc.,
names of individual persons and corporate bodies, and under classes of persons, ethnic groups,
individual wars, and topical headings for collections of poetry and individual poems on those
Political activity (H 1942)
sa Politics and government under ethnic
- Use under names of individual corporate bodies and military
services, and under classes of persons, individual Christian denominations, and types of
corporate bodies for works on the political participation of those persons or organizations
Political aspects (May Subd Geog) (H 1942)
sa Politics and
government under names of countries, cities, etc., and under ethnic groups
- Use under
individual religions and topical headings for works on the political dimensions or implications of
nonpolitical topics
Politics and government
sa Administration; Political activity; Political aspects (May Subd Geog)
- Use under names of
countries, cities, etc., and under ethnic groups
Popular works (H 1943.5) [Form subdivision]
- Use under scientific, technical, and
legal headings, etc., for works written for the layperson; and under medical disciplines, individual
diseases, and under headings of the type [part of the body]--Diseases for materials written for
the layperson
sa Art; Pictorial works
- Use under names of individual persons who lived after 1400 and individual families,
and under classes of persons, ethnic groups, and individual wars
Posters (H 1945.5) [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of countries, cities,
etc., individual persons and corporate bodies, classes of persons, ethnic groups, individual wars,
and topical headings for individual posters and collections and/or discussions of posters about those subjects
Power supply
- Use under types of buildings, installations,
equipment, industries, etc
Practice (May Subd Geog)
- Use under types of professions
Prayer-books and devotions [Form subdivision]
- Use further subdivided by the language of the text under names of individual religious and monastic orders and under individual religions, Christian denominations, and classes of persons for whose use the prayers are intended; under names of individual saints, deities, et., to whom the devotions are directed; and under topical headings for prayer-books on those topics.
Prayer-books and devotions--History and criticism
sa History and criticism
- Use under types of perishable
products, including food, drugs, textiles, etc
- Use under individual or types of diseases and
medical conditions, and under situations to be avoided
Prices (May Subd Geog)
- Use under types of products,
objects, etc., and under industries where one general heading for the products of that industry is
Prices--Government policy (May Subd Geog)
sa Government policy (May Subd Geog)
- Use under types of
products, objects, etc., and under industries where one general heading for the products of that
industry is lacking
Private collections (May Subd Geog) (H 1427)
- Use under types
of objects for works on privately owned collections
Privileges and immunities
- Use under names of individual
international agencies and legislative bodies and under types of organizations and educational
Problems, exercises, etc. [Form subdivision]
sa Examinations, questions, etc
- Use
under topical headings for compilations of practice problems or exercises pertinent to the study
of the topic
Production control (May Subd Geog)
- Use under types of industries, industrial
plants, and processes
Production standards (May Subd Geog)
sa Standards (May Subd Geog)
- Use under types of
industries and processes
Professional ethics
sa Moral and ethical aspects
- Use under occupational groups and types of employees
Programmed instruction [Form subdivision]
- Use under topical headings for
works discussing presequenced instruction in which the learner is able to govern the pacing of
the process, sometimes with a teaching machine, or for programmed texts on those topics
- Use under individual
and types of computers, microprocessors, and programmable calculators
- Use under names of individual persons and
deities, uniform titles of sacred works, and under classes of persons and individual wars
Protection (May Subd Geog)
- Use under types of equipment,
structures, individual and groups of plants and crops, organs and regions of the body, and under
classes of persons for works on preserving these items or persons from physical damage or
Provinces (H 713)
- Use under headings of the type [topic]--[country] for works
discussing collectively the provinces of a country in relation to the topic, e.g. Economic
Psychological aspects
sa Psychology
- Use under topical headings other
than religious topics for works on the influence of conditions, activities, objects, etc., on the
mental condition or personality of individuals
sa Psychological aspects
- Use under uniform titles of sacred works,
religions, and religious topics for the psychological aspects of those works or topics.
- Use under
names of individual persons for discussions or interpretations of the person's psychological
traits, personality, character, etc.
- Also use under classes of persons, ethnic groups, and
individual and groups of animals for the mental processes or characteristics of those persons or
Public opinion (H 1955)
- Use under names of individual
persons and corporate bodies, and under classes of persons, ethnic groups, individual wars,
and topical headings for works on public opinion on those persons or topics
Publication and distribution
sa Publishing (May Subd Geog)
Publishing (May Subd Geog)
sa Publication and distribution
under sacred works
- Use under names of individual corporate bodies and under types of
published materials and headings for literature on particular topics
- Use under types of products
Quality control
- Use under types of industries, industrial
plants, and processes
sa Quotations, maxims, etc.
- Use under names of individual persons, uniform titles of sacred works, and under classes of persons and ethnic groups
Quotations, maxims, etc. (H 1969) [Form subdivision]
sa Quotations
under names of individual persons, uniform titles of sacred works, and under classes of persons
and ethnic groups
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc., and under topical headings
- Use under types of services, utilities, transportation
systems, etc., for prices charged for services provided or items sold according to a specific ratio,
scale, or standard
Rating of
sa Evaluation
- Use under classes of persons
Records and correspondence [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of individual
corporate bodies and types of industries, organizations, etc
Recreational use
- Use under names of individual bodies of
water and under types of land, geographic features, and buildings with other functions
Regions (H 713)
- Use under headings of the type [topic]--[country] for works discussing collectively the regions of a country in relation to a topic, e.g. Law--Italy--Regions.
- Use only under countries whose legally designated first order divisions are called regions
Registers (H 1558) [Form subdivision]
sa Directories; Telephone directories
- Use under names of
countries, cities, etc., individual corporate bodies, and families, and under classes of persons,
ethnic groups, individual wars, and topical headings for lists of names of persons, organizations,
or objects, etc., without addresses or other identifying data
- Use under types of equipment, machinery,
technical systems, industrial plants, etc
Religion (H 1997)
sa Religious life under classes of
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc., names of individual persons and
corporate bodies, and under ethnic groups and types of institutions
Religious life
sa Religion
- Use under classes of persons
- Use under types of structures and rooms
Remote sensing
- Use under topical headings
Remote sensing maps [Form subdivision]
sa Maps
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc., and under topical headings
sa Maintenance and repair
- Use under types of
objects not requiring maintenance
Republics (H 713)
- Use under headings of the type [topic]--[country] for works
discussing collectively the republics of a country in relation to the topic, e.g. Civil law--Soviet
Research (May Subd Geog) (H 2020)
- Use under names of
countries, cities, etc., and under classes of persons, ethnic groups, and topical headings
Research grants (May Subd Geog)
- Use under names of
individual corporate bodies and under topical headings
- This subdivision may be further subdivided by place only under topical headings.
Reviews (H 2021) [Form subdivision]
sa Book reviews
- Use under the heading Books for collections of descriptive
and evaluative accounts of books on many subjects.
- Use under headings for nonbook materials
for collections of descriptive and evaluative accounts of those materials.
- Also use under
headings for mass media and the performing arts for collections of critical writings about
programs, performances, etc
Romances (H 1795) [Form subdivision]
sa Legends
- Use under names of
individual persons and legendary characters for texts of medieval (i.e. pre-1501) European tales
based chiefly on legends of chivalric love and adventure in which those persons or characters
are the dominant character
Rules [Form subdivision]
sa Rules and practice
- Use under names of individual religious and monastic orders and under games and activities.
Rules and practice [Form subdivision]
sa Rules
- Use under names of
individual corporate bodies and types of corporate bodies
Safety appliances (May Subd Geog)
sa Equipment and supplies
- Use under types of machines, vehicles,
industrial plants, occupations, etc
Safety measures
- Use under names of individual military
services and under topical headings
Safety regulations (May Subd Geog) [Form subdivision]
- Use under topical
Sanitation (May Subd Geog)
- Use under topical headings
Scholarships, fellowships, etc. (May Subd Geog)
- Use under
classes of persons, ethnic groups, and fields of study
Scientific applications
- Use under types of technical devices or
processes used to further scientific advancement
Security measures (May Subd Geog)
- Use under names of individual corporate
bodies and under individual computers and types of buildings, installations, and industries.
- This subdivision may be further subdivided only under individual computers and types of buildings, installations, and industries.
Sermons (H 2032) [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of individual persons
and under religions, Christian denominations, and topical headings
Sex differences
- Use under topical headings
Simulation methods (H 2040)
- Use under topical headings
sa Language
- Use under individual languages and groups of
languages, and under topical headings
Slides [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc., and
individual persons and under topical headings
Social aspects (May Subd Geog)
sa Social conditions under
names of countries, cities, etc., and under classes of persons and ethnic groups for works on
the social history or sociology of the place or group; Social life and customs under names of
countries, cities, etc., and under classes of persons and ethnic groups
- Use under topical
headings for works that discuss the effect of the item, activity, discipline, etc., and modern
society on each other
Social conditions
sa Social aspects (May Subd Geog); Social life and customs
- Use under
names of countries, cities, etc., and under classes of persons and ethnic groups for works on
the social history or sociology of the place or group
Social life and customs
sa Social aspects (May Subd Geog); Social conditions
- Use under names of
countries, cities, etc., and under classes of persons and ethnic groups
Societies, etc. (H 2060)
sa Societies
and clubs under age and sex groups
- Use under names of individual persons, families, and
corporate bodies, and under classes of persons, ethnic groups, and topical headings for works
discussing two or more societies or institutions related to those subjects
Societies and clubs
sa Societies, etc.
- Use under age and sex groups
Sociological aspects (H 2055)
- Use under types of institutions
for works discussing the impact of the inherent nature of the institution in question on group
interaction within the institution and vice versa
Software (H2070) [Form subdivision]
sa Computer programs
- Use under topical headings for actual software items, i.e. machine-readable editions
Songs and music [Form subdivision]
sa Music under ethnic groups
- Use under
names of individual persons and corporate bodies, and under ethnic groups and topical
Sources (H 1647; H 2080) [Form subdivision]
sa History--Sources
- Use under individual works
(author-title or title entries), historical topics, types of literatures, and headings for systems of law
for collections of writings compiled for scholars.
- Also use under names of individual persons for
works discussing the individual's sources of ideas or inspiration
Specifications (May Subd Geog) (H 2083) [Form subdivision]
- Use under types of
engineering, construction, industries, products, and merchandise
Specimens [Form subdivision]
- Use under types of publications, printed matter,
etc., as a form subdivision for actual specimens of the material
- Use under individual chemicals, materials,
elementary particles, and celestial bodies
Speeches in Congress [Form subdivision]
- Use under topical headings for single
speeches or compilations of speeches on those topics
- Use under individual chemicals, materials,
elementary particles, and celestial bodies
Standards (May Subd Geog)
sa Production standards (May Subd Geog)
- Use
under topical headings for descriptions of the example or model set up and established by
authority as the measure of quantity, quality, value, extent, weight, etc., to be followed
State supervision
- Use under topical headings
States (H 713)
- Use under headings of the type [topic]--[country] for works
discussing collectively the states of a country in relation to the topic, e.g. Income tax--United
Statistical methods (H 2095)
- Use under topical headings for
discussions of the methods of solving problems in those fields through the use of statistics
Statistical services (H 2095)
- Use under names of countries,
cities, etc., and under topical headings for works on services that collect numerical data located
in those places or about those topics
Statistics (H 2095) [Form subdivision]
sa Statistics, Medical under names of
countries, cities, etc; Statistics, Vital under names of countries, cities, etc., and under ethnic
groups for compilations of birth, marriage, and death statistics
- Use under names of
countries, cities, etc., names of individual corporate bodies, classes of persons, ethnic groups,
and topical headings for works consisting of or discussing statistics about those subjects
Statistics, Medical
sa Statistics; Statistics, Vital
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc
Statistics, Vital
sa Statistics; Statistics, Medical
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc., and under ethnic groups for compilations of birth, marriage, and death statistics
- Use under types of commodities, foods, materials,
industrial products, etc., for their safekeeping in a warehouse or other depository
Study and teaching (May Subd Geog) (H 2110)
sa Education under names of individual religious and monastic orders, classes of
persons, ethnic groups, and Christian denominations; Instruction and study under music
headings; Training of under occupational groups and types of employees; Accreditation
- Use under names
of countries, cities, etc., individual persons, and corporate bodies, and under classes of persons,
ethnic groups, and topical headings for works on methods of study and teaching on those
Study and teaching--Activity programs (May Subd Geog) (H2110)
- Use under topical headings
Study and teaching--Audio-visual aids (H 2110)
sa Audio-visual aids
- Use under
names of countries, cities, etc., individual persons, and corporate bodies, and under classes of
persons, ethnic groups, and topical headings for works on the use of audiovisual aids in the
learning and teaching of those subjects
Study and teaching--Simulation methods (H 2110)
- Use under topical
Study and teaching--Supervision
- Use under topical headings
Study and teaching (Continuing education) (May Subd Geog) (H 2110)
Use under names of countries, cities, etc., individual persons and corporate bodies, and under
classes of persons, ethnic groups, and topical headings
Study and teaching (Early childhood) (May Subd Geog) (H 2110)
- Use
under names of countries, cities, etc., individual persons and corporate bodies, and under
classes of persons, ethnic groups, and topical headings
Study and teaching (Elementary) (May Subd Geog) (H 2110)
Use under names of countries, cities, etc., and individual persons and corporate bodies, and
under classes of persons, ethnic groups, and topical headings
Study and teaching (Graduate) (May Subd Geog) (H 2110)
Use under names of countries, cities, etc., and individual persons and corporate bodies, and
under classes of persons, ethnic groups, and topical headings
Study and teaching (Higher) (May Subd Geog) (H 2110)
- Use
under names of countries, cities, etc., and individual persons and corporate bodies, and under
classes of persons, ethnic groups, and topical headings
Study and teaching (Internship) (May Subd Geog) (H 2110)
Use under names of countries, cities, etc., and corporate bodies, and under ethnic groups and
topical headings
Study and teaching (Preschool) (May Subd Geog) (H 2110)
Use under names of countries, cities, etc., and individual persons and corporate bodies, and
under classes of persons, ethnic groups, and topical headings
Study and teaching (Primary) (May Subd Geog) (H 2110)
- Use
under names of countries, cities, etc., and individual persons and corporate bodies, and under
classes of persons, ethnic groups, and topical headings
Study and teaching (Residency) (May Subd Geog) (H 2110)
- Use under topical
Study and teaching (Secondary) (May Subd Geog) (H 2110)
Use under names of countries, cities, etc., and individual persons and corporate bodies, and
under classes of persons, ethnic groups, and topical headings
Study guides [Form subdivision]
sa Examinations--Study guides
- Use under individual examinations and types of
examinations and tests for guides for preparation for those examinations
Tables (H 2160) [Form subdivision]
- Use under topical headings
Taxation (May Subd Geog)
- Use under topical headings for
works on the taxes levied on income-producing activities or articles of value; and under classes
of persons and ethnic groups for taxes levied on those groups
sa Methodology
- Use under disciplines, especially
those involving laboratory routines, for nontheoretical works describing steps to be followed in
performing required tasks.
- Also use under names of individual literary authors and under literary
form headings for works on writing technique
Technological innovations
- Use under topical headings for
works on fundamental technological improvements or changes in materials, production
methods, processes, organization, or management which increase efficiency or production
Telephone directories (H 1558) [Form subdivision]
Directories; Registers
- Use under names of countries, cities, etc., individual corporate bodies, classes of persons, ethnic groups, and types of organizations and industries
Terminology (H 2184) [Form subdivision]
sa Terms and phrases
- Use under uniform titles of sacred works, and under classes of persons, individual Christian denominations, and topical headings for works that list or discuss words and expressions found in those works or used in those fields
Terms and phrases
sa Terminology
- Use under
individual languages and groups of languages
Territories and possessions
- Use under
headings of the type [topic]--[country] for works discussing collectively the territories and
territorial possessions of a country in relation to the topic, e.g. Postmarks--United States--Territories and possessions.
- Also use under names of regions and countries for works
discussing collectively the territorial possessions of the region or country
Testing (H 2186)
sa Ability testing; Evaluation
- Use under
topical headings for works on the construction, application, and results of testing pertaining to
those topics.
- Also use under Drugs and individual drugs for works on testing their effectiveness
and/or safety, and under types of materials, instruments, equipment, products, chemicals,
domestic animals, etc., for works on testing of those items and/or the results of testing
Textbooks (H 2187)
- Use under topical headings for works
about textbooks on those topics
Texts (H 2190) [Form subdivision]
- Use under individual lesser-known languages,
dialects, early periods of languages, liturgy headings, and headings for vocal music for individual
texts or collections of texts
Themes, motives
- Use under names of individual persons other
than literary authors and individual literary and art forms
Therapeutic use (May Subd Geog)
- Use under topical headings for works on
their use in treating disease
sa Tombs
- Use under names of individual persons
sa Tomb under names of individual persons
- Use
under names of individual families, royal houses, dynasties, etc., and under classes of persons
Toxicology (May Subd Geog)
- Use under individual chemicals
and other substances for works on their poisonous effects on human beings or animals
Trademarks [Form subdivision]
- Use under types of industries and products for
works listing or discussing the words, letters, or symbols adopted and used by the
manufacturers or dealers of those items to distinguish them from the goods of others
Training of
sa Study and teaching (May Subd Geog)
- Use under occupational groups and types of employees
Translating (H 2219)
- Use under uniform titles of sacred
works, and under individual languages and groups of languages and topical headings
Translations (H 2220) [Form subdivision]
- Use under names of individual literary authors,
individual literary works entered under title, individual literatures, types of publications, and
topical headings, for collections of translated works
Translations into [name of language] (H 2220) [Form subdivision]
Translations into [name of language]--Bibliography [Form subdivision]
Transportation (H 2225)
- Use under names of individual
military services, and under classes of persons, types of objects, merchandise, animals, and
individual wars for works on transportation of or applied to those topics
Tropical conditions
sa Hot weather conditions
- Use under
topical headings for works on methods or procedures employed when working in a tropical
Union lists (H 1361) [Form subdivision]
sa Bibliography--Microform catalogs; Periodicals--Bibliography--Union lists
- Use under
types of printed or nonbook materials for catalogs of those materials held by two or more
Union territories (H 713)
- Use under headings of the type [topic]--India for works
discussing collectively the union territories of India in relation to the topic, e.g. Land use--India--Union territories
- Use under individual tests and types of tests
Valuation (May Subd Geog)
- Use under types of property,
businesses, structures, etc., for works on the values set upon those topics or their estimated or
determined market value
Vibration (May Subd Geog)
- Use under types of equipment,
structures, and vehicles
Video catalogs [Form subdivision]
sa Catalogs (H 1361)
Vocational guidance (May Subd Geog) (H 2232)
- Use under
names of individual corporate bodies and military services, and under occupations, fields of
endeavor, and types of industries for works describing careers in those organizations or fields
and/or offering advice on how to prepare for, enter, and succeed in those careers
Waste disposal (May Subd Geog)
- Use under types
of industries, industrial plants, and facilities, etc
- Use under topical headings
- Use under types of objects, substances, individual
animals and groups of animals, and organs and regions of the body for works on the techniques
of making weight measurements of those items, or for the results of such measurements
Weights and measures
- Use under types of commodities and merchandise for systems of weights and measures established for those items
Wounds and injuries
sa Accidents (May Subd Geog)
- Use under classes of persons,
ethnic groups, individual animals and groups of animals, individual plants and
groups of plants, and individual organs and regions of the body