Bibliographic Record Procedures
Columbia University began to to create "access level records" for
monographs in 2004.
resources guidelines are contained in a separate document.
other institutions, Columbia does not have an extensive list of required
MARC fields for encoding Level 3 monographic records. Columbia also does
not prescribe access level records for any particular language, subject, date range
or location. Access level records are considered to be one more tool
available to professional catalogers to handle material efficiently. Cataloger
judgment determines whether to catalog at PCC, full, minimal or access
level. In general, catalogers approach each book with the intent to
catalog it at full level but for various reasons may decide that the
time and effort required for full level cataloging is either not
appropriate or not possible.
Considerations may include:
- language skills unavailable
- effort spent on authority control would be unreasonable for its
benefit nationally or locally
- effort spent on subject analysis would be unreasonable and/or
keywords would provide sufficient or better access
- item falls outside of Columbia's primary collection policy
- title page layout is so complex that the effort spent to transcribe
according to AACR2 or RDA would be unreasonable
Required Data Elements
- Cataloging Form = blank or i if ISBD punctuation is used
- Encoding Level = 3
- 008 = attempt to code place, language, publication status and date.
Code other fields if important for access
- 965 (CLIO only) = bcdaccess
Variable fields
Add headings or notes only if important for access. Use established form
of entry (NAF or Voyager) if available. Create authority records if
necessary for access or to break a conflict. Notes or statements of
responsibility may be substituted for headings if appropriate.
Add LC subject headings if easily determined. Otherwise or in addition add
keywords to bring out useful aspects of the publication.
Description need be transcribed only as would be suffcient for
identifcation and access.
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Last updated: 10/30/13 kmh