Digital Scriptorium  

Sample: Lodge MS 02

This file displays a transcription of the very end of Terence's play, Phormio, as it appears in Columbia University, Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Lodge MS 02, f. 99r. If you have installed the ds3.exe package, you can use NoteTab to open the XML file that underlies the material below (lodge02.xml).

<teiHeader date.created="2002-08-27" creator="skg">
<title>Phormio: A machine-readable transcription</title>
<author>Publius Terence Afer</author>
<resp>Transcribed and marked up by</resp> <name>Sharon K. Goetz</name>

<authority>Digital Scriptorium</authority>
<availability status="unknown"><p>Contact Digital Scriptorium for more information.</p></availability>

<region>New York</region>
<settlement>New York</settlement>
<institution>Columbia University</institution>
<repository>Rare Book and Manuscript Library</repository>
<idno>MS 02</idno>

<p>The play text has been transcribed without regard for the marginal and interlinear glosses.</p></samplingDecl>
<p>Letters touched with red are tagged <hi rend="rline">; letters written in red mark changes of speaker and are tagged simply with <speaker>. No attempt is made to correct or restore idiosyncrasies in the Latin, and some abbreviations are left unexpanded. Only the round form of "r" is used in the manuscript, and it is represented in the transcription by the keyboard letter; long s, however, is distinguished by &longs;, e-caudata is recorded as &ecaud;, and the "et" glyph is recorded as &et;. Final m written at a ninety-degree rotation to the right (rather like a cursive z) is recorded as &mz;. (See the entity list above.) Medial points are marked with a period. Small gaps, including between the letters of a single word, are represented by a single trailing space. In turn, if no space is marked, none is visible in the manuscript.</p>


<pb n="99r"/>
<sp><p><hi rend="rline">N</hi> au&longs;i&longs;trata </p></sp>
<sp><speaker>na </speaker><p><hi rend="rline">&longs;</hi>ati&longs; tibi e&longs;t. </p></sp>
<sp><speaker>ph</speaker><p>immo uere di&longs;cedo
<hi rend="rline">P</hi>ulcre. &et; probe. &et; preter &longs;pem </p></sp>
<sp><speaker>na </speaker><p><hi rend="rline">t</hi>u tuu&mz; nomen dic <expan>quod</expan> e&longs;t.</p></sp>
<sp><speaker>ph</speaker><p><hi rend="rline">M</hi> ihin? phormio ue&longs;tr&ecaud; famili&ecaud; h<expan>er</expan>c<expan>u</expan>le a<expan>m</expan>ic<expan>us</expan> &et;
<hi rend="rline">T</hi> uo &longs;umm<expan>us</expan> phedrie</p></sp>
<sp><speaker>na </speaker><p><hi rend="rline">p</hi>hormio. at ego eca&longs;tor
<hi rend="rline">P</hi> o&longs;thac tibi quod potero &et; que uole&longs; facia&mz; q<expan>ue</expan> &et; dica&mz;.</p></sp>
<sp><speaker>ph</speaker><p><hi rend="rline">B</hi> enigne dici&longs;</p></sp>
<sp><speaker>na </speaker><p><hi rend="rline">p</hi>ol meritu&mz; e&longs;t tuu&mz;</p></sp>
<sp><speaker>ph</speaker><p>uin primo
<hi rend="rline">h</hi> odie facere quod gaudea&mz; nau&longs;i&longs;trata. </p></sp>
<sp><speaker>na</speaker><p><hi rend="rline">c</hi>upio</p></sp>
<sp><speaker>ph</speaker><p><hi rend="rline">N</hi> e ad cena&mz; uoca </p></sp>
<sp><speaker>na</speaker><p>. <hi rend="rline">p</hi>ol u<expan>er</expan>o uoco.</p></sp>
<sp><speaker>de</speaker><p><hi rend="rline">e</hi>am<expan>us</expan> hinc
<hi rend="rline">I</hi> ntro.</p></sp>
<sp><speaker>ch</speaker><p><hi rend="rline">f</hi>iat. &longs;<abbr expan="ed">&mz;</abbr> ubi est phedria iudex no&longs;ter?</p></sp>
<sp><speaker>ph</speaker><p><hi rend="rline">I</hi> a&mz; hic faxo aderit. </p></sp>
<sp><speaker></speaker><p><hi rend="rline">u</hi>o&longs; ualete <hi rend="rline">&et;</hi> plaudite. <hi rend="rline">c</hi>aliopiu&longs; rece<expan>n</expan>&longs;iu.</p></sp>
<trailer><hi rend="rline">D EO GRATIAS AMEN</hi></trailer>


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