Digital Scriptorium  

Texts Table (tblTexts)

Texts Level:  Sequence Number

Definition:  Arabic numeral to ensure proper sequencing of texts on the web.

Comment:  This field exists at the three levels of Part, Text and Image, with the numbers beginning afresh at "1" for the children of each new parent record. Thus, a hypothetical MS 1, with two children parts, names them 1 and 2; the hypothetical MS 2 with three children parts, names them 1, 2, 3, and so forth. In the meantime, the three text children of part 1 are named, 1, 2, 3; the two kids of part 2 are named, 1, 2; the only child of part 3 is named 1. The same occurs at the following layer of descent. Each part, no matter what its own sequence or part number is, begins the count of its own texts at 1. Each text, no matter what its own number is, begins the count of its own images all over again at 1. The numbering that organizes the various Parts, Texts and Images allows for greater ease in adding or deleting sequence numbers at any point along the chain, and for the option of moving one child segment to another parent in an orderly fashion, should the occasion arise. Because of the necessary flexibility in the sequence numbers, to allow them to change with changed circumstances in the description, they are hand-entered by the inputter/cataloguer. These numbers will not be visible to the end-user.


Properties:  Data type: number as long integer.

Required?:  No.

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Last published: 2009-01-20
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