Definition: Comment:

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Texts Table (tblTexts)

Texts Level:  Range of Folios

Definition:  In reference to the individual text, the number of leaves in arabic numerals.

Comment:  Phrase the number as a span, not as a total (i.e. use the same format as SpanFolios at the Part Level, not the format of TotalFolios at the Manuscript Level); include the "v" for "verso" when appropriate. If the verso is blank, include mention of this, using a semicolon as a separator. If the text being described is on the flyleaves, it may be more clear to spell out the word, "verso." If the text occupies the recto and the verso of a single leaf, remember to phrase the leaf designation in the singular. If the manuscript is a single-leaf document, repeat "One leaf" (the same information in all 3 levels, Manuscript, Part and Text); if in roll format, give number of membranes. If a manuscript is paginated rather than foliated, use the same formula, substituting "pp." for "ff."

In the following examples, "recto" is only stated explicitly in the situation of a text occupying the recto and the verso of a leaf; however, if the in-house practice of a DS partner institution calls for explicit rendering of the "r," that's fine.


  • ff. 1-23v [or "ff. 1r-23v" if in-house practice demands]
  • ff. 24-57; f. 57v blank
  • ff. i-ii verso [because "ff. i-iiv" is hard to read]
  • f. 37r-v [not "ff. 37r-v" because there is only one leaf]
  • pp. 35-68
  • 4 membranes laced end to end

Properties:  Data type: text. Field size: 50 characters.

Required?:  Yes.

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Last published: 2009-01-20
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