Digital Scriptorium  

Texts Table (tblTexts)

Texts Level:  Explicit

Definition:  Ending words of a text, often used to identify it.

Comment:  Be sure to begin transcription of the explicit well before any formulaic doxology or colophon (which should be omitted if it is clear that such final words are added by the scribe). Only transcribe the final explicit, not those of the prologues, dedicatory letters, etc. Omit the ellipses that would precede an explicit in normal prose. See the Comment for Incipit regarding transcription issues.


  • when they shull not mowe do servyce.
  • si intima mente scrusteris [sic] et ad medullam intimi intellectus per dei gratiam perveneris. Amen.
  • ut Leti phaleris omnes et torquibus omnes.
  • Her blessyng mote thou haue and wele mote thou thryue. Wele is the childe that thryue may my der childe.

Properties:  Data type: Memo (changed 2009-05-04 for vers. 9.0.2; previously: Data type: text. Field size: 255 characters).

Required?:  No.

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Last published: 2009-12-21
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