Parts Level: Scribe
Definition: Name of the scribe.
Comment: Source of an actual name could be a colophon in the present manuscript, or a payment record, or a scholar's recognition. The "name" may be an assigned or associative term. If the scribe only copied segments of a manuscript, use the Notes field to cite the span of those folios. Since this field has a Browse List, it is preferable to phrase the scribe's name with the alphabetizing section of the name first, as in the examples.
- P.E.A.F. [and add in the Notes, "Interpreted as "Paulus Erizzo Antonii Filius"]
- Richardus Franciscus [and add in the Notes, "Richardus Franciscus was responsible for ff. 24-58v]
- Andreuccio della Monaca
- Ser Niccol� Berti Martini de' Gentiluzi [with mention in the Notes field of his habit of also signing his work with his motto, "Nichil amantibus durum"]
- Giovan Marco Cinico [with thanks in the Acknowledgment field to the scholar who made attribution to the named scribe]
- Scribe D of the Trinity College Gower
Properties: Data type: text. Field size: 255 characters.
Required?: No.