Digital Scriptorium  

Parts Table (tblParts)

Parts Level:  Region

Definition:  Modern political subdivision of a country (region, county, d�partement, Land, province, etc.); third of four place-defining elements.

Comment:  In English, if pertinent; to be used in function of the city of production: either because the city (the following tighter delimitation) is known and one can therefore readily take the step backwards and state the region, or, conversely, if the city of origin is uncertain but one wishes to imply it to the user. If uncertain, use a question mark.


  • Umbria [for a manuscript known to have been copied in Perugia]
  • Tuscany [(not "Toscana") for a manuscript that may be from Florence but the too tight location to Florence would exclude, for example, Pisa]

Properties:  Data type: text. Field size: 30 characters.

Required?:  No.

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Last published: 2009-01-19
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