Digital Scriptorium  

Manuscripts Table (tblManuscripts)

Manuscript Level:  Acknowledgments

Definition:�: Public recognition of contribution to knowledge about the manuscript.

Comment:�: This field is the commitment on the part of Digital Scriptorium to build a dialogue between the scholars who are specialists in a given field and the librarians who are responsible for public dissemination of knowledge about the manuscript; it is also an encouragement to update the information contained in the database. The field exists at the first three levels (Manuscript, Part, Text) so that the acknowledgment may be more precisely geared to the information provided.


  • The dealer price code on the flyleaf was recognized by Peter J. Kidd, and kindly communicated to us.
  • We thank Dr. Kavrus-Hoffmann who supplied the information for this description.

Properties:�: Data type: text.�: Field size: 255 characters.

Required?:�: No.

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Last published: 2009-01-14
© Columbia University Libraries