Digital Scriptorium  

Manuscripts Table (tblManuscripts)

Manuscript Level:  Total Folios

Definition:  In reference to the extent of leaves of the entire codex: the number of front flyleaves in lowercase romans, plus the number of leaves in arabics, plus the number of back flyleaves in lowercase romans, phrased as total not as span.

Comment:  If a manuscript is paginated rather than foliated, use the same formula as above, substituting "pp." for "ff." Do not indicate, at the Manuscript level, the verso of a leaf, since a given number of leaves is understood to include both the recto and the verso of each leaf; pagination, on the other hand, will always include the "verso" and thus always be an even number. If a the manuscript is a single-leaf document, state "One leaf" (the same information at all 3 levels, Manuscript, Part and Text). "One fragment," "Fragment," "One item, "Cutting" or the number of membranes in a roll are also possible entries for this field. Capitalize the actual word that occurs first in this field, but not "ff." or "pp." Go to the AutoCorrect tool to change the so-called correction that capitalizes after a period (whereby "ff. ii" becomes "ff. Ii").


  • ff. iii + 271 + ii
  • pp. i + 64
  • One leaf
  • One item
  • 5 membranes

Properties:  Data type: text. Field size: 45 characters.

Required?:  Yes.

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Last published: 2009-01-14
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