Digital Scriptorium  

Manuscripts Table (tblManuscripts)

Manuscript Level:  Shelfmark

Definition:  Collection name, item number, size designation (if any) that the particular institution uses to identify a specific manuscript, possibly adding zeros to the left before the item number to assure correct stacking in a computer-generated list.

Comment:  The entry will be made with in-house capitalization, spacing, and punctuation marks including colon, slash and period. DS provides an online Browse List for the shelfmarks because it can be difficult for the human user to know which form the computer thinks is the (only!) correct form.


  • UCB 002 [for UCB 2]
  • ff UCB 172
  • UCB130:1400:13 [for UCB 130 (paleography collection), leaf from the 15th century, 13th leaf in the box]
  • Plimpton MS 003
  • Smith Western Additional 15
  • Med/Ren Frag. 49
  • X87.L12.IA00

Properties:  Data type: text. Field size: 50 characters.

Required?:  Yes.

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Last published: 2009-01-14
© Columbia University Libraries