Digital Scriptorium  

Manuscripts Table (tblManuscripts)

Manuscript Level:  Reviser

Definition:  Name of person revising a given record.

Comment:  Not intended for end-use display. While initials are sufficient for the first name(s), please do spell out the last name so that in a few years' time, one can still know who the reviser was. Put the most recent reviser's name, under the assumption that the most recent person has de facto accepted whatever changes preceded his own work. The reviser will enter the revision note according to his/her own discretion as to whether or not the revision merits memory (e.g. if it's a simple correction of a typographical error, it's hardly worth the effort to register such revision).


Properties:  Data type: text. Field size: 50 characters.

Required?:  No.

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Last published: 2009-01-14
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