Definition: A non-defined slot to be adapted to the needs of a specific manuscript. Comment: Example: � � Properties:

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Manuscripts Table (tblManuscripts)

Manuscript Level:  Notes

Definition:  A non-defined slot to be used for generic information about the specific manuscript.

Comment:  To be used at the discretion of the inputter to contain, for example, statements about the physical condition of the manuscript, details about the book's ownership, uncertainties about the foliation; in short, anything that is relevant to the manuscript overall. Remember, however, that the contents of this field will only be searchable via the broad key-word search, so when possible give preference to a field specific to the matter at hand, rather than the generic Notes field.


  • Considerable damage from mould on final leaves.
  • Returned to Mrs. Pauline Ames Plimpton in July 1950.

Properties:  Data type: Memo (changed 2009-05-04 for vers. 9.0.2; previously: Data type: text. Field size: 255 characters).

Required?:  No.

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Last published: 2009-12-21
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