Digital Scriptorium  

Manuscripts Table (tblManuscripts)

Manuscript Level:  Binding

Definition:   Book binding.

Comment:  Restricted to a general statement as to date, type of covering, boards, furniture, binder's name if known. In particular, if the binding is contemporary or early, be sure to comment on that fact. If the manuscript is a codex, or a fragment thereof, and it is not bound, enter "Not bound"; if the manuscript is a document and isn't bound, leave the field blank (since one wouldn't expect a document to be bound). If the binding itself is a fragment of a manuscript, say so briefly in this field, and then treat the fragment as another Part+Text+Image with all pertinent information.


  • Contemporary blind stamped leather over wooden boards with evidence of a fore edge clasp closing to the back cover.
  • Early modern binding.
  • s. XV tawed and stamped pigskin with hasp and chain still attached.
  • Panelled morocco binding, s. XIX, by Derome et Fils.
  • Quarter bound by the Phillipps binder, Bretherton, with his sticker on the front pastedown.
  • Not bound.
  • Wrapper formed of a leaf from a missal, s. XV.

Properties:  Data type: Memo (changed 2009-05-04 for vers. 9.0.2; previously: Data type: text. Field size: 255 characters).

Required?:  No.

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Last published: 2009-12-21
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