Digital Scriptorium  

Images Level (tblImages)

Images Level: Capture ID

Definition:  Technical metadata ID generated by imaging software at the time of capture to identify each image; it (or any other in-house number) is hand-entered into DS-Access.; the CaptureID is not necessarily unique.

Comment:  In its intended use, the information for CaptureID is produced by the photographic equipment's software; since the field can't be populated automatically by DS-Access, and since its information is therefore entered by hand, the inputter/cataloguer may use the field for any sort of image-specific identifier.

CaptureID is one of the two fields that may be used to identify an image (the other is DigitalObjectID). Both fields allow the inputter/cataloguer to hand-enter information if an institution prefers an in-house file-naming system; however, because CaptureID will allow duplication, it is riskier as the unique identifier of an image.

+plus sign
?question mark
( )parenthesis
{ }graph brackets
[ ]square brackets
< >angle brackets
;semi colon
@at symbol
!exclamation point
$dollar sign

Please read about incorporating the CaptureID into the image URL in the User Guide to the Database, in its sections, "Capture ID" and, "Develop URL Pattern."


  • DSCF4016
  • Immag033

Properties:  Data type: text. Field size: 30 characters.

Required?:  No.

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Last published: 2010-01-01
© Columbia University Libraries