IBM Books

DB2 Replication Guide and Reference

What Is DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet?

DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet extends IBM's enterprise data replication solution to support Microsoft Access and Microsoft Jet databases in LAN, occasionally connected, and mobile environments. Without any programming, you can replicate your server data into Microsoft Access tables for both browsing and updating.

DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet is a single executable that contains both the Capture and Apply capability and a portion of the administration facility. DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet runs on a client machine under Microsoft Windows NT or Windows 95, and reaches source databases via DB2 Client Application Enabler (CAE). DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet is packaged as part of DB2 DataJoiner Version 2 Release 2.1 (although you do not need to install a DB2 DataJoiner server to use this software) but also works with DB2 Universal Database (UDB), DB2 Common Server V2, DB2 Connect, and DDCS. DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet requires the DataJoiner Replication Administration tool at the control point.

DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet replicates relational tables to and from Microsoft Jet databases, and detects and records any update conflicts (using the Microsoft Jet replication model). The source server can be DB2 or any non-DB2 replication sources defined through DB2 DataJoiner. The control server must be a DB2 or DB2 DataJoiner database. For more information about DB2 DataJoiner and the DataJoiner Replication Administration tool, see the Web site For more information about DataPropagator Relational, see the Web site

Figure 33 illustrates how DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet supports replication of Microsoft Access and Microsoft Jet databases.

Figure 33. Microsoft Jet Database Replication. DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet extends IBM's Data Replication Solution by supporting Microsoft Access and Microsoft Jet databases.
Microsoft Jet Database Replication

The Advantages of Mobile Replication Using DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet

A small DBMS with a replicated subset of a larger corporate database enables service employees and mobile professionals to run meaningful desktop applications while disconnected from a server network. These users connect to their corporate network only occasionally, and usually only long enough to synchronize their desktop database, e-mail, and messaging services with the corporate servers. For more information about subsets, see Chapter 6. Application Planning.

DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet administration doesn't require a direct connection to a Microsoft Jet database for administration. The DataJoiner Replication Administration tool maintains control information in the control server database. DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet running on a laptop is able to create Microsoft Jet databases, tables and additional columns, and drop tables and old columns based on the current state of the control information in the server. To deploy a Microsoft Jet application, the application, database, and replication software must be installed before you distribute the laptop computers.

You can define or redefine replication source and subscription definitions for a Microsoft Jet database at any time, using the DataJoiner Replication Administration tool, before or after you distribute the laptops for asynchronous processing by DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet.

If you have problems with your laptop, you can rebuild your Microsoft Jet database, tables, and contents simply by deleting the Jet database, and resynchronizing using DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet. DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet can automatically rebuild your database.

For more information about usage scenarios involving mobile replication, see Mobile Replication with MS Jet Client.

Data Integrity Considerations

Within a network of DB2 databases, DataPropagator Relational supports an update-anywhere model which is able to detect transaction conflicts. DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet supports an update-anywhere model, but with weaker row-conflict detection (similar to the standard Microsoft Jet model). If you choose to use DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet, you should be both familiar and comfortable with the standard Microsoft Jet replication model.

DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet reports synchronization conflicts in conflict tables in a very similar way to the built-in Microsoft Jet replication feature. This process can result in a loss of updates. If you use the single-user version of the DB2 Universal Database server on your laptop, for example, your application is assured of all-or-nothing transaction semantics when synchronizing with corporate servers. However, if you use Microsoft Jet as your mobile database, synchronization conflicts are handled on a row-by-row basis, so updates might be lost. Therefore, some updates might be flagged as conflicting while other updates propagate to the corporate database. If this situation is not acceptable, you need to program your own resolutions for all potential update conflicts. For more information about how DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet handles conflict errors, see Error Handling. For more information about programming your own resolutions, refer to the appropriate Microsoft documentation.

Terminology for DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet Replication

The following terms represent replication concepts as they pertain to Microsoft Jet database replication. For definitions of general replication terms, see Chapter 23. Glossary.

Apply qualifier
A name that identifies an Apply instance of DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet. This name is a case-sensitive character string of up to 18 bytes, and must be unique within all replication network servers accessible from the client. You specify a value for the Apply qualifier when you define a subscription.

The Windows NT or Windows 95 machine on which DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet is installed.

Control server
The database where the subscription control tables are located. For DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet replication, the control server must be a DB2 or DB2 DataJoiner database.

Design Master
In Microsoft Jet database replication, the original database, which is saved as the master database. Each subsequent copy of the Microsoft Jet database maintained by Microsoft Jet replication on another server is called a Replica.

The process of identifying a source table to make the table available for subscription. You register source tables using the DataJoiner Replication Administration tool, which inserts one row into the register table and the pruning control tables at the source server. You can also use the DB2 Universal Database Control Center to register your source tables, but you must use the DataJoiner Replication Administration tool to create your subscriptions.

A type of update-anywhere replica maintained by DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet. Conflicts are detected row by row, not transaction by transaction, as they are for replicas. Row-replica is the only target table type supported by DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet. The source table type can be a DB2, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, or Microsoft SQL Server user table, or a DB2 replica. The source can also be a view of a DB2 user table or replica, including a join view.

Source server
The database where the source tables are located. For DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet replication, the source server can be DB2 or any non-DB2 replication sources defined through DB2 DataJoiner. The control server can be collocated with a UDB or DB2 DataJoiner source server.

A specification of source tables and columns to replicate, targets for the replication, and the timing for the replication. You create subscriptions using the DataJoiner Replication Administration tool, which inserts two rows into the subscription set table, and one or more rows into the subscription targets member table and subscription columns table at the control server.

Target server
The Microsoft Jet database where the target tables are located. The target server is also a Design Master.

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